Chapter 22

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The next morning, Jungkook and I were now finished eating breakfast when he told me that we should get ready for our day he had planned together.

Since we were going to the beach I wore something simple, knowing that the atmosphere would be humid. Jungkook didn't tell me where we were going next so I thought that it would be the best outfit to wear.

I walked down the steps, as Jungkook was already waiting for me. "I'm ready!" You gleamed, dancing like a little girl ready for the first day of preschool.

Sitting on the sofa, Jungkook turned his head towards you and his facial expression gave away everything. You are stunning.

{Jungkook Pov}

She looked beautiful. And I don't think that I'm extra excited this morning. She is an angel. The way her sculpted figure fits perfectly in her clothes, as she bounced down the stairs.

Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. Her beautiful set of dazzling, angelic white teeth. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon shadow, black hair that rested on her shoulders, and the enticing and mesmerizing brown eyes that got anyone hypnotized. I wondered to myself. How could she such a beautiful and amazing person on the outside but most importantly on the outside?

Staring at her, as I slowly but steadily stood up trying my best to not let my thoughts go further and become a pervert, I nodded slightly to her and before pulling the door open for her

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Staring at her, as I slowly but steadily stood up trying my best to not let my thoughts go further and become a pervert, I nodded slightly to her and before pulling the door open for her.

{Normal Pov}

We were now in the car, as we drove to the beach. Jungkook had the hood of his car down, allowing my hands or roam freely in the air, as the wind fix perfectly through my fingers. The sun was shining, tremendously in the sky, it wasn't too hot, I was perfect, just like this moment.

Everyone felt free? From everything that is around you in the world and in your life. All the anger, hatred, sadness, negativity, all gone. That was how I felt. The wind clouded my brain instead of the devious thoughts that made me think.............

After a while of driving, we had now arrived at the beach. Little did you know, during your moment of thinking and zoning away, Jungkook got a call that hinted where he was taking you next and he was literally toggling over you and your beautiful physical features. He was happy to see you like this. All the cheer and happiness, your hope, your trust in faith. He wondered what it would be like to finally have that feeling.........

We were now walking along the shores of the beach and there were these crazy, annoying girls fangirling over Jungkook. He had noticed your annoyed reaction and basically scoffed to himself. "What was that for?" You asked. "It's ok to be jealous Y/N," he said as we arrived at a vacant beach chair. Cocky much?

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