Chapter 4

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One day at the "Mr. Jeon's company. I sometimes wonder how he took over his father's company this fast.

I let these thoughts wonder in my head as I strolled to his office with ten cups of coffee in my hands since his lazy ass can't get it himself.

Yes, he would come over at my place regularly and cook for me and also help me get this job but seriously..... Can't get your own coffee.

I knocked on the door waiting for him to let me in. "Come in," the voice echoed from the other side of the door.

I entered and placed the coffees on his desk." Mr. Jeon," I said as I slightly bowed. "Why so formal Ms. Kim?" he asked while he had a smirk plastered on his face with his eyebrow cocked up.

"Jungkook stop with your nonsense we're at work," I rolled my eyes beginning to get annoyed. " Have one," he pointed to the coffee. I looked at him and then back at the coffee as he justered me to have a seat while I grabbed the coffee.

"I want to ask you something," he stated folding his legs one above the other.
"You just did," I at scoff slightly sipping my coffee. "I see the same Y/N hasn't changed......"

She didn't any but when you answer him like that, it actually hurt him. He wasn't use to it coming from you. She would never say something like that. Sometimes he wished she was there but he was happy and grateful you were there with him. Even though you didn't feel the same about him.

".....But we will deal with it ...... for now. Wait for me before leaving the office this evening."

"Why should I?" I drank another cup of coffee testing his patience.

You always sensed what Jungkook had to say. Actually, he was confident. You didn't have to figure it out it was clear. But this time you couldn't. You couldn't read his eyes. They were just brown. A soft but bright brown that gave highlights to his pupils.

" Text me when you're leaving," he boldly stated as he twirled the Len in his hand.  "You may leave," he waved to me. "Bu-...."

"Bye, princess!!!" He gleamed with a smug and wicked smile on his face. Then got up from his seat, giving me the cup of coffee and showing me out of his office. Like the clumsy girl I am, I slightly tripped multiple times but that didn't stop Jungkook from getting rid of me.

"I didn't I agree to this Jeon!!" You grunted angrily stepping out of his office before getting the door slammed in your face......


It was 4 o'clock which means it's time to go home. I didn't bother about telling Jungkook that I was leaving because even though I  couldn't figure out his plans I'm sure he was gonna take me somewhere.

I didn't want him to waste his money on me. I knew he was rich but I would never take advantage of that. Whenever Jungkook carried me out, he never took me to those casual places, it's as if those places don't exist in his world.

I turned the lights if in my office before locking the door and heading to the elevator. I stepped in and as I was about to close the door, a hand-blocked it.......

" I pulled you in to feel your heartbeat,
Can't you hear me screaming please don't leave me!!!!"

___________________________________" I pulled you in to feel your heartbeat,Can't you hear me screaming please don't leave me!!!!"

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