Chapter 9

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Jimin was now about to knock on the door of Jungkook's office. He knocked and then was allowed in. "Ah...! Mr. Park how nice. Have a seat." Jungkook spoke as he had a playful grin on his face.

Jimin, however, had no idea what was install for him. He sat down with his pen and note pad ready to take notes and was quite excited to work on his first project since this would make his father really proud. And in the end that was ok, he wanted.

"Mr. Jeon so I was thinking, that we should do a proper draft of the hote-" he was suddenly cut off when Jungkook spoke.

"Oh cut the bullshit and tell me what that thing of a father sent you here for. What was it this time? Eh? For you to take over the company....."

Jimin sat shocked by his boss's sudden outburst. " I'm sorry Mr. Jeon but I think you have the wrong person. I could come back later if you would like." Jimin ruffled his stuff and was about to stand up and walk out of his office.

" Cut the crap already and sit down, I am not finished," Jungkook tried his best to calm down as his security guards were just outside the door.

"Sir, if this about Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what? You and your hell of a nice and perfect father think you can fool me but you have no idea what I can do and I won't hold back," Jimin sat there confused about what the hell his boss was talking about and what did it have to do with his father.

" I'm sorry Mr.Jeo-" but Jimin was cut off again.

"Oh for fucks sakes just say what Mr. Park sent you here for!!! You don't think I know your plan. He sent you here to work with me so you can easily take away the company from me. Well, let me tell you something...... That ain't happening!!!"

"Sir I barely see my father, he is always working and he only comes homes on weekends. I really don't know what you're implying"

Jungkook sat up from his chair as he walked Infront of the man, anger building and rage taking over him every second the man as in front of him pretends, "So you're meaning to tell me that you're not here because Mr. Shit Park sent you here, to take over this business, my business, so his first, perfect, well-grown son can take it over and then hand it to him. Huh........? You're meaning to tell me that you don't actually know who I am?"

Her he thought........

"Sir, I'm really sorry but I think you have mistaken. My father sent me here to have trained so I could start my own business. I came here to learn not to take over your business. This is yours why would I do that. I just want to make my father proud. He is a good man and I don't like the way you speak about him" Jimin gets frightened as he raises his voice continues defending his father that he knew was a good man.

"Haha......Mr. Park Never fails to amuse me. Oh! Could I be so stupid to think that he would tell you...." Jungkook chuckled under his breath having pity for the man in front of him, but he isn't leading on with their plan. Even though he knew was clueless, as he could read him like an open book.

" Well let me update you. I'm your half-sibling!!" Jungkook just blurted out feeling disgusted with himself, when he has nothing to blame himself for. But it made him feel like a sin that was created.

Her he thought.......

And there Jimin was, with growing eyebrows not believing what his boss was saying. His mouth opened slightly baffled how his boss could come up with such an absurd assumption. He was rich, so what else he needed. My father has nothing to do with this. Jimin thought to himself.

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