Chapter 33

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Lost? Yes. Worried? Yes. Frightened? Yes, but where am I.

It seems as if I was in the house Jungkook took me to the other day when I had to stay at home because of my fall. But why am I here?

I was in the living room. That big gorgeous, majestic, shinny, beautiful chandelier that hung from the ceiling and made my eye glisten. I continued to admire the living room, moving around, looking at the fancy furniture, until I saw a man coming down the stairs. But the face seems to have been blurred. Who is he?

"Babe? Are you ready? He looked in another direction to see a beautiful girl. She resembled me. Wait? It is me. "Yes. Where are we going?" He asked as he came closer to her and pecked her lips.

"We're going to the cafe near my dad's work. Remember hyung is going to be there. He going to meet us so we can hang out." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

I simply nodded and followed him outside to the car.

The faceless guy and I had now arrived at the cafe. He parked and then we went inside. His friend hadn't reached yet so we ordered your drinks by the time. "Hun, what do you want?" He asked. "Iced americano please," I smiled.

"That would be three iced americanos please," he seemed to have ordered for his friend. We waited a few seconds until a tall, handsome, wide but hit shoulder guy came into the coffee house and made his way towards us.

"Ah! Hyung, your never late how have you managed to be late today?" The faceless man asked. "I caught alot of traffic today, anyways, how are you my Y/N dear." He turned to me.

"I'm fine Jin!" I shipped some coffee. "Is it just me or does the place seem a bit tend and dead today," Jin commented in confusion. "It's normal hyung."

"Hey, am did you fix the thing with your dad?" Jin mentioned, earning a confused look on your face. "What's that about honey?" You asked more to get into the conversation. "Oh, it's not hung, darling. But unfortunately not. He would budge. I know he planning something but I can't seem to get a hold of what he is doing."

You know when someone says that they are fine and the next moment they mention some bizarre thing that shows that they are totally not. Well, that is what is happening now. One minute ago he said that it was nothing and then sugar coated everything. People there days.

Shaking it off your shoulder you three continued to enjoy your coffee until you saw a man from outside if the coffee house looking straight towards your direction.

When you both locked eye contact, he immediately turned his head away from your direction. You totally ignored it as he may be looking at someone else in the cafe. You continue to drink talk with the guys until the faceless man asked, "Y/N? Are you ok? You seem of the edge since we got to the café"

"I'm fine. Just a little uncomfortable,"

"Do you want your coat? I'll go get it for you," he said kid up from his chair and exited to get the coat. You tried to keep him back from going to get it because it was a few blocks away since we parked far and his assistant didn't come with him today.

As he left, it was only you and Jin. So how are you and he getting along these days? I hope he is treating you the way he should or not, I'm going to show him how to really treat someone."

"We're great Jin don't worry and you if anything is off I would tell you." He simply nodded. You stated out the window waiting for your coat, but then the gut who was outside looking at you was now inside holding a camera. He then looked the ok the direction but flashed the camera at your side. You frowned your eyebrows confused.

You looked at Jin but he was getting up. "Where are you going?" You asked uneasy and scared. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back shortly. Plus he would be back with your coat just now." He started eating a nod from you.

You sat there until the man started to get closer to you. Before he could reach you as was staring straight into your eyes you asked, "Can I help you?" And with a blink of an eye, he slapped you. You face was driven a full ninety degrees to the side as the loud slap echoed through the room. You held your face sitting back into your normal position until he slapped you in the next direction so you could fall to the floor.

People's gasps were heard throughout the cafe but no one dared to attend the scene given the size of the man. You slowly stood up but as you did, he drove his knee into your stomach, eating a growl from you. Your eyes were filled to the brim with water, you were spinning.

The loud ringing bell as if someone entered into the cafe which made the man look back and the faceless man came back with your coat, staring at you.

You stole couldn't see his face but the way his fist clenched and his biceps tightened along with his shirt, it was clearly visible that he was raging.

You couldn't completely comprehend what was going on but you heard the voice of a man groaning while people gasped. Then you fitted your light-headed head up and see the man run out of the cafe.

The faceless man stood there. His chest heaving up and down and then he finally turned into your direction once more. He looked at your state in the ground and his heart weakened. His fuming face immediately turned into a saddened figure.

He then rushed towards you and kneeled down. But you didn't know what happens next. You face vision turned blurry even more. Your head dazed as a spinning top and then it stopped. You couldn't recognize anything. The faceless man closed the gap between you two, which made you clearly see his face for a split second.

You knew his face.

You just had to figure it out.

You slightly moved your head to see his face.





And then finally and you caught his eyes.................

The sound of your alarm phone going off made you awake from your slumber.........



"I don't know him........ He's just......I don't just don't know him ok!!!!"

I don't just don't know him ok!!!!"

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Hey, my lovelies.

So I want to know.
Who do you think the faceless guy is?

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Saranghae 💜♥️💜♥️💜

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