Chapter 30

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{Back to normal POV}

It has been one week since I went to shops with Jungkook and Jimin. Lately, I've been hanging out with both of them. Well not separately but together. And let me tell you. That's hasn't been going to well. They both seem to have a grudge against each other. Not to be too over myself but I think it is because of me and could be maybe more.

Whatever. Now I'm heading to Jungkook's office since we have had a business meeting to attend to. I have to be there because well........ I'm an assistant.

This might not go well because the only reason we are having this meeting was that the enterprise was going to build a hotel. Jungkook suggested a modern look but Jimin suggested an ancient look with modern accessories. And the owner seems to like both so this meeting isn't about to go too well.

I'm in the bathroom at the moment, fixing my hair, makeup, and clothes, getting ready for the meeting.

I'm in the bathroom at the moment, fixing my hair, makeup, and clothes, getting ready for the meeting

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*15 minutes later*

I'm now making my way into the meeting room, heading to my spot, and pulling out my work to get prepared. The meeting should start soon.

Jungkook, Jimin, and the other members walk into the room and took their seats. Jungkook sat in my right as Jimin sat on my left. I could already feel the tension.

The meeting started off as any usual meeting would start; greetings, the introduction of the project, and ideas. We were now at the ideas state.

Since I was the assignment I had to propose both then they would boil it down. " So we have come down to two possible solutions, " I explained, "we'll start with Jungkook's sketch. His design pertains to the modern, luxurious hotels, with thirty floors, where one would be the lobby and the other, an entire floor as a bouffe. Each level would be separated in half as shown on the screen," I pointed at the projector, continuing to explain, "where they are separated, each room would have a pool, with a wonderful view. The highest level, would not be separated as the entire floor is the honeymoon suite for newlyweds and there would be a rooftop. That suite's rooftop would include a bigger pool with the aesthetics as shown on the slide." I concluded.

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