Chapter 72

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When Jungkook and Jin had called the ambulance that night. Jin insisted that they clean up the bathroom before he went to the hospital so that Jungkook could get some time to cool down.

Jin did more or the cleaning, as Jungkook was too paralyzed on the ground. He just sat there looking at his hands covered with So Yeon's blood. His mind only chased to the fact that So Yeon was dead. He thought about what his life would be like now. Thinking back at the time when he first met at the park, to now. He ignored her for nearly two months, too engrossed in his work and now, there is the highest possibility that she is dead.

What should he do now? Kill me her thought.

And as always that doesn't go as plan. Jin Jin cleaned he eyes came across the rectangular piece of paper on the floor, he knelt and picked it up but his mouth gaped open.

His palm cuffed his mouth, shaking his head, wanting to burst into tears more than he already had. Jin's body was now immobile. Of she reacted like this, how is Jungkook going to react?

" no....." He whispered looking at Jungkook in the ground. Jungkook managed to hear his soft murmur and he looked up and Jin, a lowly borrowing his eyebrows at Jin.

"What is t-that?" He stuttered. "Nothing!" Jin immediately lied, not knowing how Jungkook would take the news.

With what energy Jungkook had left, he held the wall as a support and slowly bright himself up to look at what Jin held in his hands but Jin didn't have the audacity nor movement to pull the paper away, still shock and thinking the worst.

Jungkook looking that the picture if the ultrasound and the tiny little bean-shaped image at the bottom, made his vision blurry immediately. But not in tears, not in sadness, not in regret, Jungkook was now the one to be completely backed out........


Research shows that a normal coma can last for about five to ten weeks and in other instances for months. However, So Yeon's coma lasted longer.

Her coma lasted for one year.

Every day for the last 364 days Jungkook had come to see her. Hoping that she would wake up. Praying for her to wake up.

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