Chapter 45

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It's been five months to be exact since Kim Seokjin, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Soo Yeon started college. The college year started off great. Just like in high school. But it's just named something else.

Oh and Jungkook took over his father's business. Well not exactly. He renamed it from Park's Enterprises to The Jeon's Enterprises, so guess he changed the entire business. Anyways, he alone knows what he's doing.

But that seems what he has been doing a lot lately. He always working. He was barely even showing up to his classes because he was too busy. Be didn't even spend time with his girlfriend, Soo Yeon. But Soo Yeon gave him the easy way since he was new it.

Since they both were eighteen and dating for at least three years now they moved into Jungkook's house. He would leave early in the morning, the same time as Soo Yeon went to college but would return home at elven- twelve o'clock.

For the past week, he went to Busan to have a meeting with his father because his family actually moved there recently. It was quite shocking, to be honest.

Soo Yeon was really happy that she had her mon, she didn't know what would do without her. She is her world. And her father, he works at a mechanic so he always busy, but they still have our moments.

He would also work on weekends. He would come to school but at least a period a day which was his business class alone and she couldn't even day and simple 'hey', he would be gone. She had missed him a lot but was too afraid to tell him how she really felt, thinking he would think she was too clingy.

But lucky for Soo Yeon, Jungkook decided to take a weekend off since it's the long labour day weekend when he came back from Busan this evening, Jungkook booked a hotel stay front them for the weekend for them to enjoy.

Jungkook was now in office, organising his work until he got a phone call. "Hello, my Jungkookie. I can't wait to see my Kookie tonight. I have a special surprise." Jungkook could hear the fuel smirking at the other end of the phone. "Oh really, your Kookie also has something prepared for you too, " he whispered but not too softly into he phone, sending shivers through the girl's body.

"Kookie my present is are always better." Soo Yeon pouted. "Of course my Soo Jeonie presents are perfect. " he giggled into the phone.

The girl then cut the adorableness of her boyfriend, "Kookie, I miss you, " little sniffles could be heard on the other side of the phone, which broke the man's heart. "Hey, baby are you crying. Please don't cry. We're seeing each other tonight. And I miss you so much. I'm sorry and I promise I would make it up to you ok?" He tried his best to comfort the girl.

The girl nodded his head as if the boy could see her and answered ok. "I
can't wait to see your cute face that heats up every time I squish them.." Jungkook gave his cute bunny laugh though the phone and laughing air to air. "Yahhh!!! I do not, " Soo Yeon scolded through sniffles. "We'll see about that my love. "

"Ok I- sorry but I have to go Jungkook, the teacher just came in class." Soo Yeon hurried so she wouldn't get caught.

"I love you, baby, " he but he phone had been cut off halfway through his words. Sincerely, Jungkook missed her. But he needed to settle things down before his father took reaction.

His father.

He wondered why he still called him that. The things the man did was not the role a father had to play. So ever since then, Jungkook referred to his father as Mr Park.

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