Chapter 69

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Y/N was still asleep until she felt a hand rubbing her back as she slept. She stirred in her sleep, then open her eyes but was startled to see who was in front of her.

In fact, she was started because she didn't know who the hell was in front of her.

"Hey baby, you missed me?" The person teased.

But before she could process it, or even screamed, the mysterious man had already knocked her out cold.

Slowly waking up, Y/N was unaware of her surroundings as she felt herself moving.

Eyes slowly fluttering open, her back pressed against a soft seat, and she looked out through the glass, to only realize that she was in a moving vehicle.

Y/N was in the backseat, strapped down with what seemed like cable wires.

She tried to twist and turn to get a release but nothing was working until she driver caught her attention.

"Oh look our sleeping beauty is up!" The man chuckled.

Y/n at this point was breathing heavily and going full panic mode. Her head hurt from the lack of oxygen she was getting and her hands were red and burning from the tightness of the cables, scaring her skin.

"Who...who the hell are you?" She asked too scared to only recognise the familiar person that drove the vehicle.

"Oh, why my dear? You can't remember me? How unfortunate, " Y/N rolled her eyes. "Still don't remember me? Let me fill you in. At Jimin's party, the pill, you drunk, me Minyak? Ring a bell?"

Y/N gasped in shock, her eyes open widely. "What do you want from me?" She asked him in an angered and scared tone. She didn't feel the best right now, her body was sore from last night and she still doesn't remember getting into the clothes she was wearing.

In her mind, she prayed that Jungkook was that dressed her and that was far from the truth.

"Well someone special wants to see you Soo Yeon!" She smirked to himself.

What? Soo Yeon? She thought. She can't Soo Yeon. Why do people always compare me to her? I did even know her.

"Well, you have the wrong person you asshole now let me go!" She yelled screamed frustrated as the hit liquid was running down her cheeks which she didn't recognize was there.

"Ok, no sweetheart. I have the correct person!" He commented.

It took them a few minutes again until they had arrived at what seemed to be a mansion.

Why does this place look so familiar and I  have never been here before? She asked herself.

Minyak got out of the car and heated Y/n of the car, pulling her to fall to the ground and then to pick her up. Y/N groaned in pain as he brought her up and dug his fingernails into her shoulder.

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