Chapter 31

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Jimin and I had now entered my house. The drive hear was quite silent because of what happened earlier between him and I. He kept apologizing and I forgive him, because he was angry and he's human, we all are get caught up sometimes. Though one thing that I don't like about myself is that I forgive too easily and in the end, I always end up getting hurt.

It's funny how life is, isn't it? You forgive the people you love but then you get hurt by them for putting to must trust in them.

We arrived home at my house at around six. I had to make a lot of detailed excuses to Jungkook to why I would go home by myself today. Since the two weeks of recovery, he had returned to his house because he said that I would get tired of him.

I've been with him around five and more years now, and I haven't got tired of him.

Jimin had hung his coat as we both took off our shoes, "I'll be down in a few to cook up something, I'm going to get changed," I walked towards the stairs, "Need help with that?" He smirked as I froze in my spot and turned around to shoot him a glare, "I'm just kidding Jagi."

I think went and got changed into something comfortable and tied my hair into a loose messy bun. Damn, I tired. Today was quite busy with all the paperwork I had to do because of the hotel. I was wearing this.

I walked downstairs to see Jimin watching television

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I walked downstairs to see Jimin watching television. "What do you want to eat? I was thinking a simple japhae and chicken if that's ok with you." I entered the living room where Jimin was. "Do you even try?" He made me confused.

"Try what?" I asked full of confusion, "To look so beautiful." He smiled only making my face heat up and head into the kitchen hiding my blushing and heating up face. Jimin had also stood up and followed you.

"Let me help you," he followed me to the cupboard where I went to get the ingredients, "You can cook?"

"I said I was going to help you, not that I could cook?" He chuckled in a cute way, "why do you have to be so annoying and cute at the same time!"

He then approached me from behind and back hugged me, hands firmly around my waist while whispering in my ear, "I could be more than cute if you let me you know," his words caught off guard, which provoked a shiver to my body but I managed to handle my emotions and break his embrace and then commented, "Let's just pretend I'm still upset from earlier." He groaned, moving to the island and taking a seat.

I've been avoiding any physical and intimate contact with bit Jungkook and Jimin lately. Sure they both have a moment with me but I had to figure out what I want because of two reasons.

One being, it is wrong to be playing both of them and the other is if I don't, I would get hurt. I'm not good with the relationship thing. I've never really had any, to be honest, I can't remember.

Funny right? I can't even remember if I ever had an intimate relationship. A few years ago I was told that I had fallen down the stairs and hit my head which caused memory damage but that was all I got, not more details, that's why I have to get the doctor every six months.

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