Chapter 11

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" Ok we're here," Jungkook said as we parked outside of what seems like to be a forest. "Ok I know I was mean earlier but are you gonna kidnap me?" You asked looking around. The sun was hot, beaming across the sky, as the clouds spread like butter and gleam of light illuminating through it with it shining on the tall trees that stood gracefully Infront of us.

" Quit chattering and get out of the car," he said while unbuckling his belt before undoing yours. You slowly get out of the car admiring the view. " I could see why you allowed me to wear this since no one is around," you giggled until Jungkook slowly approaches you, taking both if his palms in yours.

" Do you trust me?" He asked staring deep into your eyes. The sun beaming from the sky, made his puppy eyes glisten. " Are you ser-..." He cut you off. "Do you trust me?" Giving up easily, trying your best to avoid his eye contact, looking at everything besides him," Yes, I do."

" Ok good." He let go of your hands and stood behind you, your vision becoming dark until you can't see anything. You knew it was Jungkook's hands so you don't bother to react. " Just follow my steps and don't peak. You're gonna be fine," he chimed leading the way.

It has been a few minutes walking, with utter silence and you can only hear Jungkook gulping loudly as if he was scared. " Seriously Jungkook, are sure you're not kidnapping me. Because it sure feels like it" All you could have smelt was green. Wasn't sure how that smelt but since you couldn't see a thing. That is what you had assumed

"My Mashmelloooooo, stop being so complicated and just......w-walk" It was a matter when Jungkook was into his sentence, he realized what he had called you. It's been three years since he ever said those words.

He would always call her that name when she was being winey about simple stuff.

This made Jungkook flustered bringing back happy memories with her.

"Ok we're here," Jungkook said before removing his hands from eyes. You both stood there amazed by the wonder, beautiful, picturesque sight in front of you. Your eyes became glassy by the fresh air that was hitting your face from the high bridge that you were standing on.

The white water cascaded down a series of rocky outcrops, giving the effect of many waterfalls rather than just one. Then it flowed on its way, nonchalant as if nothing had occurred.

Jungkook stood on one side of you admiring the bird view of the waterfall with he had his one hand wrapped around your waist

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Jungkook stood on one side of you admiring the bird view of the waterfall with he had his one hand wrapped around your waist. Buy you were to distracted to even realize.

"Wowww!!!! Jungkook where did you find this place?" You asked as your eyes brighten even more as you turned to him.

Jungkook loved how this made you happy, smiling, in astonishment.

This place was supposed to hold memories a long time ago with someone he loved. He was going to bring her here but never got the chance.

"I have my ways," he chuckled lightly never taking his gaze of you.

You and Jungkook stood there for about a half of an hour talking about random things. It was suddenly starting to get late as the sunset making the water glistening and shining brightly, Turning the water into an orange color.

Jungkook grew fascinated by the water your puppy dog eyes brightened to see such a simple thing. And thus was all Jungkook needed to make him happy.

" I think we should head back," he said, resting his hand on the small of your back, as you both retraced your steps from earlier.

As we arrived back at Jungkook's, it didn't take long to get back into the normal route as it wasn't fair. " What would you like to eat?" He asked.
"Ummm..... I'm not really hungry and plus its late sooo....."

"Ok pizza it is!!!" He gleamed. You loved the way Jungkook cared for you. You wouldn't often show it, but we're grateful. The feeling was neutral with Jin also.

Then Jungkook and I had arrived at the pizza parlor where we sat had eaten dinner............



"Every time I think of you I smile, but my heart hurts like hell when I lie to you"

"Every time I think of you I smile, but my heart hurts like hell when I lie to you"

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Hey my lovelies. Thank you so much for supporting me in this book. I greatly appreciate it. Please continue to read and vote. Thank you so much again. Love you🥰

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