Chapter 34

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The sound of your alarm phone going off made you awake from your slumber..........

I woke up with a huge headache. The sun shines through the curtains and glistened throughout the room as the beautiful chirping birds could be heard from outside of the windows.

I slowly sat up on the bed. My head spinning like a top banging on the head degree. I rubbed my head to then turn and see Jimin, halfway off the couch, with his mouth slightly open and his morning muffled hair. Damn did I feel to run my fingers through his hair?

What the fuck Y/N! Stop being such a pervert! I mentally face palmed myself.

But then the realisation hit me. The dream........

Remembering the dream made my headache more. But why did it feel so real? It was if I had ready experienced this.

The pain. I could instantly feel the man kicking Mr and punching me in my stomach. It hurt.

He punched me again, causing me to hold my belly. Who was him?

I could feel his hands on my body. My head continued to spin. Why is this happening to me?

"AHH!! It hurts!" I groaned. My eyes closed, seeing the man coming closer to me. Some unknown man. I could see his face but I don't know who he is.

This isn't real. My head is just playing games on me. I thought as I held my head in pain.

Then another figure approaching me. But instead of coming towards me, he headed towards the man. Just like in the dream. It was exactly like the dream. But I couldn't see his face.

My breathing started to increase as I started to hyperventilate.

"Y/N!!!! Y/N!!! Are you ok?" A familiar voice, caused my eyes to shoot open. He approached me, but I push him away.
"Don't come near me! You're going to hurt me!" I yelled.

"Y/N it's me. You're going to be fine." He held you in his arms, protecting you. You didn't know but the headache caused you to imagine as if the dream was real.

You didn't tell anyone about the headaches which triggered this tantrum.

"Leave me alone!" I repeated on top of my voice. Then, in reality, it saw another male figure approaching me. "Y/N it's me Jungkook. You're okay," and just by hearing Jungkook's name you immediately calmed down. You were back to reality. The pain, the thoughts, the memories, the man, the kicking, the punching, everything stopped. And there you saw Jungkook, holding you in his arms, preventing you from rocking back and forth.

I didn't seem to realize but you were crying. Your eyes were sorrow full in Jungkook's eyes. He couldn't see you in this state. Yet alone seeing you scared.

But he had no one but to blame but himself......................

{Jungkook's POV}

Y/N said that she didn't want me to dip her off at home so I decided to make her breakfast this morning. I entered the house to see a pair of unknown shoes and a manned coat on the floor. I was a little confused but I decided to ignore it.

Who knows? Women dress funny these days. Whatever makes her comfortable.

I started cooking her favourite dish when I heard cries and yelling.

Those cries? I could figure them out anywhere. I immediately rushed upstairs to your room, but I didn't bother to knock.

I badged into the room to only you crawled up into a ball, against the headboard, swinging side to side, back and forth as your eye was closed with your hands gripping tightly on your head. Your eyes were streaming with tears as I rushed towards your d immediately helped you into your embrace.

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