Chapter 43

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As Jungkook and I had reached home that night from the alley, we immediately washed up as he stayed the night over. And as usual, he slept in is in my room.

"Aren't you going to sleep in the guest room?" I asked. "Yes, I am. I'm in it right now. I'm the guest and it's a room. See!" He smoked with his bunny teeth and his cheeks raising as his eyes got smaller. Aw how cute.

Wait what!? He not cute Y/N. I am just a little.

"Whatever Jeon. You do you. " I rolled my eyes as I jumped into my bed from the exhausting and eventful day.

I close my eyes as Jungkook turned the light off but I waited for the matters to make a lump next to me but it didn't.
I waited a few minutes again and then eventually got up to see where he was.

"You're sleeping on the couch?" I asked with a little bit of sadness. "Yeah. I didn't want to be a nuisance unless you want me to sleep with you. "

The real reason while Jungkook slept in your room was that he would you would leave or something happened to you. And if it did again he wouldn't know what to do with his life.

You simply gave him a smile without saying anything but getting into bed again. Your body gave you this feeling where you actually wanted him to sleep next to you. You missed him. For the past couple of weeks when you were not speaking. And all you need was his warmth or at least his presence.

But I confused you. Why is my most feeling this sort of way towards Jungkook? He is just Jungkook, right? You thought it was probably the kind of intimacy that you both shared early but it felt more.

But the real question you came to as yourself was why did I allow him to it to me? If I clearly remembered I was the first one you kiss him. But why?

The feeling I had within me at the moment didn't want and lust. I knew by know-how that felt. And I didn't feel that.

My heart was pounding because of the close proximity of our bodies. The way his skin felt against mines. The way he kissed me. No ruff but smooth and his kisses only neck. They drove my insane and bit in a lustful way. The intense stare that we maintain to hold for a long while, as we're giving feet into the ocean to find each other.

It wasn't usual. I never felt that with Jimin before. And weird yet, I don't regret it. Not one bit.

And when he was showing me the blowing position. I could help but like it. What the hell is wrong with me?

And now? I want him by my side.

"Well, you asked for it." His soft soothing voice interpreted my thoughts. The mattress then became heavy on my side filling the coldness that was not occupied by his body.

"Good night my cute Y/N!" He sweetly said as he laid on his back. "Good night Jungkook. " I whispered as I turned my back from facing him to look at him.

There wasn't any light in the room but his face shone brighter than anything. You didn't need light to see his amazing features. If only the world could we how such a good and amazing man in his on the inside.

His eyes were closed as his face stared up at the ceiling as I admired his features. His soft skin that my hand caressed early and his soft, brown hair that was lightly covering his eyes. My hands are itching me to move it away but I control myself.

But suddenly as I was gazing, my eyes managed to get a glimpse at the side of his neck. And there the clearly viable, reddish-purple mark lay as the highlight of his skin.

I mentally slapped my self-thinking, what the hell was in my mind to actually make me do that.

Kim Y/N being bold. Not even in my dreams.

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