Chapter 37

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Its ok Jimin. It's ok. Just let me hug you. I need. Please let me hug you," you cried on his shoulder as he tightened his embrace around you. That was all he could do and that was all you needed. For someone, to be there for you.

Jimin and I stayed in that position for a while until it was safe for us to mice apart. He whipped his tears while apologizing once again, "I'm sorry I had to react like this, " he said. You simply ripped his tears away from his face reassuring him that it was fine.

"Would you like something to drink now?" He questioned looking directly into your irises.

"Sure, some water would be fine." You smiled as he got up from the couch and head to the kitchen while you trailed him.

As he handed you the drink you both sat in the kitchen on the island as all you both did was stare at each other. Not lustful stare, not sympathetic state but one with admiration and intimacy. "So would you mind telling me what happened that morning, so that my mind could stop making stupid conclusions, " you smiled at him showing that it was ok.

"Y/n I'm afraid you would hate me." He said with a sad and guilty expression expressed in his face.

"Jimin, I don't think I could ever hate you," you said those words to guy meaning much more than you let off. There was nothing that could make you hate him. He was a friend and you wouldn't mind him being more. He was worthy. He was there for you and was amazing at everything he did. You enjoyed his company.

Your words gave off also had an effect on Jimin as his cute chubby cheeks began to heat up and picked up his glass of water to hide his bashful and adorable blushing figure.

He gave you an unpleased look and started, "Well....... I was sleeping when......." He looked down. "Hey, it's ok. I'm fine now." He nodded continuing, "I didn't hear you screaming and crying while j was sleeping. I woke up when I heard Jungkook's voice. I then shot up to see you crying and screaming in his hands. I just stood there watching you both until you finally calmed down. I don't know what to do. How could he have heard you but I didn't. I was in the same room with you........." He cried.

"God knows what would have happened if Jungkook hadn't come into the room. could have........, " you started to cry along with him at this point seeing his in this state. You couldn't stand it. It was overbearing.

I quickly wiped my tears as he looked up and held my hands in his, "When you calmed down, I went in front of both of you and the look Jungkook had in his eyes as he looked at me was as if was nothing and I actually felt like that. I just can't forgive myself for not hearing from you. I can't live with myself." It may be overreacting the way Jimin felt about himself but it wasn't just his friend that he could have let die within his presence but a person he loved.

Jimin Knew why he was reacting in such a way and he had figured it out the moment he saw you crying in Jungkook's arms. Screaming. Yelling. But what hurts the most was when you had calmed down. Jungkook tried everything to clam you down but you didn't stop until he said his name. That was what made you come back from your trance. You hadn't known that but Jimin figured it out. That was the moment when he realised he loved you.

It was quick but you can't stop love right. You can't stop you from loving someone. And you can't stop your heart from stop loving that person. That was made him feel guilty. He could have left his love die in the presence and he could only think if it had really happened. What would he do with his life?

But as the boy spoke to the girl as he stared into her eyes, he had now recognized his feeling and wanted to confess, but he couldn't. The burning and hurtful sensation that his body emitted were horrible. I was just three simple words he had to blurt out but he couldn't. He was afraid of getting rejected.

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