Chapter 47

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I love you Y/N...................."

And as the words left my mouth, she immediately broke the kiss as her expression explained her answer without it even being said.


My facial expression dropped, hardened with shock and confusion. I started at the young, amazing man, the kind, wonderful, caring, loving man in front of me and still, was speechless.

I didn't know how to react. I was afraid to speak, to say anything at all.

My perfect cliche story came true but what is the feeling that I have inside of me. It was strange. The stinging feeling of confusion.

It felt guilty as if I was betraying someone. But who??

It wasn't good neither was it bad. The hammering feelings felt uncomfortable.

After having the fantasy of the perfect cliche, that happened to me and with a wonderful man that I could have feelings and I'm still confused.

Figuring it out in my brain sounds so simple but I can't explain it.

The feeling I had was unwanted, devastating. It felt as if it was missing something.

But what was it? How could I be so stupid? I'm lucky and yes I would call it luck to have such an amazing person confession got me and I'm here rejecting him.

I'd rather tell him the truth than to hurt him. But I know that he doesn't love, love me. I would understand that he maybe has feelings for me and I do to but to come to think about it, if I'm really feeling this do I really?

Something is blocking me. Something is blocking my feelings. Something is telling me that it is not right. I couldn't help but hate myself for doing this to him.

He doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve intact. What man in today's reality is a cliche for a girl? Most of them only want your body. He brought me on this wonderful day, helped me through hard times and is a great amazing friend. But I think that is what he would be for me only. I could only think of how ungrateful I am. But I can't lie to him. I just can't.

I just couldn't take y eyes of Jimin at stare sat him to only come across the sad expression that I caused to him. I can't do this to him. His face has regret in it.

Why do I have to be such a horrible person? All I do is hurt, people.

Looking at the boy who now had his head bend down, I was about to speak but lost in my daze of thoughts, I don't realise that we have reached the bottom of the Ferris wheel.

"I hope you enjoyed your ride together, " the instructor helped us out of the cart. "T-Thank you. Enjoy your night. " I heard Jimin's voice that sounded cracked as he spoke to the woman.

As we bought existed the cart, we stood rooted to the ground looking at the once busy people, cheerful people, full of delight and wonder now come to something dull, lifeless.

Standing there for a few moments I decided to speak, "Jimin I-I....... " but I couldn't finish my sentence as Jimin interpreted without any tone, "I think we should get toy while Y/N, " was all he said before turning to look at me but dare not look into my eyes. But I could immediately read his eyes. They were disappointed.

We walked off leading the way but not too fast. I walked up I him, grabbing his arm to try my best to ease the tension but the action he did took me by surprise.

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