Chapter 71

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"No... No... No...!" Jungkook chanted, kneeling beside you to only bring you onto his lap. "Y/N wake up! This can't be happening! Y/N WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" he had a mixture of anger, sadness and fear, expressing them all in one.

"Y/N!!!!" He shook your body back and forth for you to get up but no response. Your breathing was very very evident, but the fact of only you waking up at the moment was on Jungkook's mind.

He didn't even think about calling the ambulance. After some few seconds, Jungkook heard the ruffle of his father's feet, moving around, cleaning up the mess they made and then walking to the exit door like nothing is happening.

"JINNNNN!!!!!!" Jungkook yelled, knowing that his father's going to leave and get away with this just like he did before.

Surprisingly as he exited, he managed to get hold of the deed for the company without Jungkook knowing.

However, the next thing you know, Jin came rushing into the room along with police officers and the medical assistance.

He pulled Y/N away from Jungkook easily, laying her on her stomach and playing an oxygen mask. Her eyes were closed, with the very slight visible movement of her chest heaving up and down. The price of wood wasn't taken deep into her back but the pain was explained by the amount of blood.

"Sir, can you please step aside. We are taking care of this. We are going to take her to the hospital. " a woman instructed him, but that doesn't stop Jungkook from pushing forth to be near Y/N.

Jin came bolting, pulling Jungkook's figure back keeping him calm. "Y/N, please. Wake up. Please!!!!" He voice turned faint as they took her away to the ambulance.

Meanwhile, the police were handling Mr Park. "Sir you are under arrest for breaking, kidnapping and abuse. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law. " the men turned him around, cuffing his bands and escorting him out the house.


So Yeon was now finished decorating the bathroom for Jungkook when he came home for the first time for the past two months, waiting patiently for him on the bed.

She wore a red dress that hugged her curves in the right places and outlined every inch of her skin, her hair and makeup perfectly done and her surprise all done.

Rubbing her stomach, she heard the sound of a vehicle pull up on the driveway. She didn't bother to check who it was, knowing that it was Jungkook, so she quickly ran in the bathroom, and turned on the water, filling the tube was she and Jungkook we're going to have a bath together while having champagne, that was neatly placed at the side on a table and probably so more things to celebrate.

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