Chapter 48

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I entered my house as Jimin left as I couldn't even make it to my room, I plopped onto my couch dropping everything on the ground.

Why do I feel like this?

Actually, I don't even know how I feel. It's as if I can't remember anything. What I ate this morning. What time I reached to work. Was I even at work today? Or what happened tonight. And what happened a few minutes ago.

I sat wondering why does it take so long to figure out things when eventually it would be done. Why take so long?

Why did I take so long for me to realise what I feel? It's my feelings, I should now them. Why did I have to depend on someone to bring them out and then hurt that person?

After some moments, I settled down drawing out everything in my mind what happened tonight.

Jimin, the one that I had a crush on, who I knew I looked at more than a friend, finally confessed to me and I rejected him. Apparently, I didn't feel the same way about him. When he confessed I didn't feel the apparent rush. I felt guilty at the moment. As if I was betraying someone.

But why did I feel as if I had felt before with Jimin? Was it because of the terms we met on? Was it lust and want?

It could be. To come to think about it, Jimin and I met on slightly and to mention awkward terms. As we started to hang out I realised that he was a good friend. Maybe that is all I felt for him, lust and as a best friend because I wanted intimacy.

I really feel guilty for treating him like that. I let him on. I let both him and Jungkook on. I kissed both of them when I couldn't even figure out myself. To come to think about it I'm a horrible person. I played both of them. But how could they not see that?  For all, I could call myself is a whore.

I lay thinking about all the different, enjoyable times I had with Jimin and I realised what I thought indeed. He really is a good friend. A best friend. He has earned the position with his unique personality. But I think I should give him some time to let go.

I have to give him some time so he could get rid of the feelings as I would only be adding to his pain and hurt. I would go to the party as I promised but I think it is better to just stay away for a while. For his sakes.

I think Jimin maybe have had the same intentions as me as well. Probably the entire thing was just lust and we were both carried about.

But in reality, Jimin truly loved you. He was actually in love with you.

But just like Jungkook, you chose to decide others feelings for you. You couldn't accept the fact someone actually loved you. You were always heard on yourself.

But why? How could someone like another who can't even remember her parents? What type if a person is like that. You thought that if you were adopted or something like that I would explain it but seriously.

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