Chapter 55

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People come and people go

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People come and people go. Yes, sometimes they leave without saying anything, without leaving anything. And sometimes leave things behind. Not purposefully but some do.

They leave pictures, memories, notes and money. The only thing others are after.

But how can one heal, when someone goes but leaves there body, appearance and life, in your hands.

They say that when you feel pain, just remember it's the signal that your sins are getting less.

But that was completely the opposite of how Jungkook was feeling.  His sins we're adding up.

Why did he have to ruin everything in one moment? He let anger get the best of him.

At that moment, his mind didnt once trail to how he was feeling. It only trailers to what you would think about him when you remember. How you would see him?

That is lead to Jungkook, locked in his room, not in his house, he didnt even know if he closed the door when he entered the house.

He immediately rushed to his room, locking the door. It was now eight in the night, and Jungkook wouldn't know that because he is balled up in the corner of his room, not moving.

He just sat in silence, admiring the work of art that he had done to his room. The vases, smashed in the ground, with all the ornaments from then splattered out onto the ground. The television screen had a dent and cracked glass with small fragments on the ground, because of the hard and direct collision of Jungkook's first which was not only covered blood from the television but from the steering wheel of his car and a few object he mange to knockdown on his way up to his room.

His clothes from his draws also decorated the floor messily. Paperwork that was on his deck in the middle of his room, where I forgot to mention was basically the size of city hall itself. The torn-up important documents falling like snow, with some coming in contact with his previous bloodstains.

Now, after hours of physically hurting himself, he now sat in a corner, pale face,  tears marking his smooth soft skin, that was stiff since he didn't sleep for the last 24 hours. He was pathetic and vulnerable.

Tears of pain, anger, disguise, hatred and every emotion that had existed spoke the words of Jungkook was feeling right now.

But to him, he didn't think this had happened to him, not did he think why.

He told himself he deserved it. And one would say he did. But there is this thing, this thing that was no certain definition to it. What what is that thing one may ask?


Love is many different things and that one thing about love that seems to stand out the most is what it does to a person.

What can make a person do? What it influences a person to do. And how it controls a person.

Jungkook's love stood out like this. His love that he showed was obsessive but in a good way. It was warming, healing, longing and protective.

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