Chapter 6

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It has been two days since I have last seen Jungkook. That night he told me he would call me but he didn't. I tried calling him texting him but he didn't respond. I was going to pay him a visit to his mansion but Jin told me to give him some space.

He didn't often act this way to me. At all. He was always clingy and this left a cold chill in the put in my stomach.

Speaking of chills, Jimin, the breathtaking hot, gorgeous man. Wait no! I take that back. The cute and innocent boy has been in my company since Jungkook wasn't here.

He wasn't the replacement. No one could ever replace Jungkook and how he felt about me. I have some guilt always taking him for granted when I definitely know how much he cares for me.

But I keep thinking that his crush will go away. I was just a crush, right. Right?

Back to Jimin, he brought me breakfast the two mornings when Jungkook always did it and also bought lunch for me as Jungkook always did as well.

Despite the terms we met on, which was never spoken since then, he was actually a funny and caring guy. I can't really recall the last time I had a guy friend like this beside Jin and Jungkook because Jungkook would always scare them away.

Spending not much time with Jimin, I always had a feeling to know him more. I wanted to know every detail about him and it confused me why. The feeling was as if I had already experienced this. But I haven't. Not that I remember......

Meanwhile, Jin came to pick me up from work today since it was Friday and we barely hung out since I started working. J really missed him. I surely would have not idea what my life would be without him. He as like a brother to me.

" Jinnnn!!!!!" I cheered as I hopped in the front seat of his car and didn't even bother to close the door before hugging him tightly in an uncomfortable position, leaving small cute kissed on his face. Jin, Jungkook and I always have each other small kisses and told each other how much we love each other. It was cute and a nice way to show our appreciation to each other.

" My little chipmunk!!! How was your day?" He questioned I released our embrace and closed the door while buckling my seatbelt.

"Ok. I still miss Jungkook," I said with a pout in my face. "Have you spoken to him?"

"Ummm...... No. Don't worry I'm sure he's fine." He muttered looking away pulling out from the front of the building.

But really went on in Jin's was the conversation be had early with Jungkook.

" Hey man, how have you been?" He asked as Jungkook called him but there was utter silence on the other end of the phone. " Jungkook?"

" Hyung....." even though Jin and Jungkook were the same age he still paid his respect to the elder," I can't..." was all he said. Jungkook didn't have to say anymore as He n already knew what was going on.

" Jungkook calms down are you okay. Y/N told me you haven't been at the company for the last two days. What up man?"

" Hyung..... I can't...... Don't think I could do it anymore ........." He cried as soft sobs traveled into Jin's ears. " I.....I give up!" He yelled softly as he seemed weak.

" Jungkook listen to me. It has been three years now for god sakes just forget about it and move on."

" Hyung...... the way she looked at me I felt hurt. I was like the same thing that happened with her was replaying s-slowly but....... differently....."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked baffled to what the younger is talking about.

"She lied to me.......... She would never do that......... I was going to take her out to ease the pain I had the entire day, the thing my very best to forget what happened on that day, I got her a vase of flowers and was going to take where I wanted to take her that night with me. The flowers even were ruin......but instead.........i-instead I see her exiting the elevator with my new employee......that I had to hire......" Jin didn't want to interrupt him as he spoke, letting out the unspoken words that were tearing him apart emotionally. He was not to guy to cry not to be emotional and confront these feelings with others. But Jin was different.

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