Chapter 35

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You know the feeling when you're locked in a box, and there is nowhere for you can escape. You just want to go somewhere away from everything. One would wang to escape the negativity, hate, anger, people who are moody but that wasn't the past few days. That wasn't me, I wanted to escape from the love, affection, kindness, care that people give to me.

I literally wanted to escape. I literally wanted to escape from my room. But no! My dear darling, lovely Jungkook would not let me. Once again. I had to stay home, be taken care of when I was fine. I love his clinginess, but sometimes I don't need it. For an instant, I am healthy, good, sick and crying free but he decided to take another week off from work for me again.

Since ever I had that dream and reacted in such a way, it scared Jungkook. Not going to lie, It did scare me as well. And it still does. Sometimes even though I have Jungkook to sleep next to, I'm afraid to fall asleep. The past few days I haven't been able to sleep peacefully. It was too scared, afraid.

Jungkook didn't want me to get out of the house, didn't want me to move an ankle, all I could do is get up and go to the bathroom.

Also since that day, Jimin had left the house, I haven't heard from him either seen him. I tried calling him, texting him but he declined all my calls and left all my texts on read.

That caused an ache to my heart. Why was he ignoring me? I didn't even see when he left that morning. Did he. Left before I had my dream or after? But wait!! I saw him when I got up from the bed, he was laying halfway out of the couch.

Not that made me more worried. Have I done something wrong? I traced my entire brain trying to figure what may have let him leave so sudden.

It hurt knowing that he might have seen in that type of condition and didn't stay, text or call to see if I was okay or alright. Jimin was really special to me. And his opinion and words matter to me a lot. And the talk we had the night before, it made me think that we got even closer than we were before and I like that.

To be honest, I have come to a conclusion that wouldn't kind of being in a relationship with Jimin. It would really be wonderful amazing. It felt right?

Finally giving up the thoughts in my head and being a good person I decided to go and ask Jungkook I sure he would know. He was now in the kitchen making dinner.

I head downstairs, to see him in his cute black apron and his spatula making eggs. "Hey, Jungkook?" I went to the side of him to get his attention. "Yes, my marshmallow?" He averted his gaze towards my figure. He recently started to call me his marshmallow a lot. It sounded like when they were in college. ' I belonged to him' how ironic I thought to myself.

"I wanted just wanted to know if you know why Jimin left that morning. Did he say anything before he left?" She asked hoping Jungkook would give her an in.

Now how was Jungkook going to answer this? Jimin was sleeping and couldn't hear the girl freaking girl screaming. What he dead? Jungkook though. And he definitely couldn't tell him that he practically yelled at him and drove him out the house. That would only cause you to turn on him and blame him.

But the thought that only concerned him was she would yell at him without even knowing why and if she knew she wouldn't understand. She was too worthy and special to him.

"Oh, ammmm..... No, he just felt," he stated boldly, turning back to the food. "Well he isn't picking up my calls either answering my texts and its getting wm worried. Am I hate to ask this but........" You wanted to ask him why he never told him that they were both were brothers but she didn't want him to get upset just yet. And the next thing she wanted to ask him he would never do.

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