Chapter 7

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7:30a.m. I was half an hour early for work. I didn't know why but here I am. I Was worried Jungkook, hasn't contacted me and I finally see how I take him for granted.

I decided to got to work today in my car since I barely use it because Jungkook always ends up carrying me home. I check my attire on the reflection of my glass before entering the building.

I tucked my hair behind my hair before entering the key to unlock my door

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I tucked my hair behind my hair before entering the key to unlock my door. But it was unlocked. Funny, I thought I had locked it yesterday.

Without thinking about it entered the office immediately, went up to my desk and place my bag onto the desk. I was about to go back to the door and switch on the light since it dark and only the lights from the window illuminated through the curtains but then I felt warm hands wrap around my waist making me gasp.

The person's nose hitched deeper into my hair as if they were smelling it but I that didn't bother me as the hot air that was breathed out, made my knees go weak. The figure pressed his body into mines from behind as my hands uncomfortably cupped his hands that were around my waist. Then his sent roamed into my nose. I bit my lip inhaling his manly fragrance gently squeezing onto his soft hands. Jimin?

My breathing quickened as his grip tightened while he moved his face from behind my head, closer to my ear. I unintentionally let out a soft moan without even realizing it. I tilted my head allowing him access to my ears as he placed a soft kiss to my ear......

"Miss me......?" His husky deep voice sent shivers through my body. But then I came back to reality, realizing the voice didn't match the body that I thought it was.

I quickly turned around, unwrapping the hands that held me tight against his body, and rushed to the lights.

"Jungkook!!? W-what the heck?" My voice stuttered thinking about the fact that I thought he was Jimin and I moaned because but he didn't retreat.

" Miss me?" He ignored my flustered face that was clearly visible to him which sent a cold shiver to his body knowing that you had this reaction with him.

Hearing you moan, related in his mind and the way your hand his tightly, reminded him of what he had with her. He knew it was wrong taking advantage of you not knowing who was touching you, but he hasn't seen you or heard your soothing voice in three days and he couldn't remember the last time he went so far without contacting you.

"What the hell Jungkook!! Where have you been? I've been ringing your phone, leaving messages and you hadn't replied to me and the next thing I know you show up in my office, asking me if I missed you when you went all ghost on me!" You poured the flustered feeling that had built up in your stomach because of the moment you had with Jungkook. You didn't know why but during the moment you liked it and you still did. After it was finished, it scared you. It felt familiar. Thinking it was just because of the way Jimin touched you.

" Ok, Y/N I'm sorry I had some business for the company to take care of and I'm sorry for not telling you and ignoring your messages and calls. I was busy."

" Seriously Kook? Business? I'm your freaking assistant and I didn't know about your business," you quoted with bunny fingers.

" I'm sorry ok. I really had some business to take care of. But it was for my dad." But Jungkook wasn't lying. Being away from the company, he managed to get into contact with his father and sort out some business so Jungkook wasn't lying to Y/N. " I know you missed me...._ he acted cutely, gesturing a hug to Y/N holding out both if his hands, ".....come here," he smiled as Y/N gave into his truthful words since he barely talks about his family. And she understood if he didn't want to.

" Ok but I don't forgive," she murmured into Jungkook's shoulder as a tear fell down her face and she began to sniffle.

"Y/N? Are you crying?" He questioned as he pulled away from the tight embrace. You wiped your tears as you stared at your best friend's face since you haven't seen him for a few days and you couldn't help but think it was your fault.

" Hey, my little baby don't cry......." He cupped your face, wiping away the tears that didn't seem to stop flowing down your face, making you smile as he usually called you cute names," I'm here okay........" Jungkook in his worried state, thinking what he has caused to you tore him as he pulled you into his arms.

A few seconds passed as you both stayed in that position for a while until you broke the contact while wiping your tears. " I'm sorry...... But don't that to me again ok. You scared me. I thought I did something wrong or you were hurt...."

"I'm fine and you don't have to be sorry. I am for not telling you what is going on," but those words had two different meanings to them and were spoken truthfully.

" Now how bout I make it up to you and take you out bowling tonight?" He asked with a curved eyebrow.

" You know I suck at bowling. If it was the aim to get the ball in the gutter I  think I would be a world champion," you giggled which lightened Jungkook's state seeing you happy.

" Don't worry about it. We'll go somewhere else then. Be ready after work. We'll have some food before we go." He said before pulling you into a hug and headed to the door.

" And two things Y/N," his voice made your head whirl around to face him.

" Mhm...."

"One, you look beautiful in that outfit but the top area is slightly revealing and TWO,  didn't know your moan was cute and hot at the same time."

And leaving you speechless, with a smirk plastered on his face, the one and only Jeon Jungkook, teasing you as usual closed the door behind him.

As Jungkook closed the door, his face immediately became flushed red as he huffed out a sharp breathe before throwing his head backward, with his hands still on the doorknob, as millions of thoughts rushed through his mind......................


"I'm grateful that you're here........but I wish she would could come back to me. She was the only only who knew me and only me. Know one would love me like you do"

 Know one would love me like you do"

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