Chapter 29

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{Jungkook's POV}

Back in high school

One of her classes just ended and she was now on her way to her locker to get ready for the next class. Eighth grade can really be a pain in the ass sometimes, and I'm going to lie.

She grabbed her books from my locker as she closed it placing it into her side bag. Her face wore the most adorable expression as she became startled.

"Ya! What do you want Kook? You startled me!" She yelled at since her expression shows as if I nearly gave her a heart attack. "Come with me," I gleamed with a smile plastered on my face, taking hold of her cut and tiny wrist.

"No I can't, I have class now," she gritted at me. "I'm sure you do to now, so get your books and go," my she scolded me again, as she tried her best to move past my robust body but I blocked me.

"My Mashmello you better come with me now or I will lift you up myself and take you there," she wore with a questioning looking at me as if I was going insane, with one of her right eyebrows arched giving me an 'are you serious' face. "Try me!" She dares to let these words out of her pretty mouth.

"If you say so......" And before she could even debate, I stooped down, grabbing hold of her thin, beautiful legs and carrying her over my back. I could feel her cling to her books, preventing them from falling down, as her body lay perfectly over my shoulder walking down the school hall, earning everyone's attention.

"Jungkook!!!!! Put me done!" This cute but annoying girl smacked my butt but I didn't retrieve nor gave in. "Jungkook!!!!!!!!" Her adorable voice yelled and groan all in one, "Where are you taking me!"

"My Mashmello seems very impatient I see," I smirked, her diary reaction boosting my ego as her boyfriend.

I carried me out of the school, heading to the back of it. "Jungkook, we have to go to class were going to be late!" She still continued to hit his back repeatedly.

I proceeded with my steps until I placed her small body down on the ground, behind the staircase in under the steps. It seems like a literal room. There were couches, that weren't new but in pretty good condition, lights and chairs. I once saw some children who were skipping classes come here and I thought it would be nice to spend some time with my girl.

"Jungkook as much as I want to stay with you, we have to go, class," she turned to him. "Wait!" I held your wrist from pulling back.

"For what?" The bell then suddenly rings, "For that. Now you can't go to class because you're gonna be late and you would get detention, so now you have no choice to stay and cuddle with your boyfriend," I gleamed, my plan working as usual, as I plopped myself on one of the couches.

"Jungkook, I going to kill you" she sent me a glare, but giving in easily to lay down next to me in my arms and cuddle.

"I was thinking we could go to the cafe near my dad's building today if you want?" I whispered against my ear. "Sure why not, but Jin and Tae have to come to though," I implied.

"Uhhhhhh!!!!!! Why do they have to come with us?" I asked about our frustration and annoyance. "Because they are our friends and friends hang out," she dared to label our friend as friends.

"So you're labelling us as friends, I see," I act stush, a bit saddened by her sudden choice of words. "You know that's not what I meant my little Jungkookie." She smiled with that gorgeous smile of hers. No one could ever get tired of it. I knew for sure I won't.

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