Chapter 27

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Jimin, Jungkook, and I stood at the feet of the building waiting for his people to bring the car. When it arrived, Jungkook went over to the other side, opening the door for me, I guess but I decided to change up his plans. I opened the back door, with Jungkook and Jimin gazing at me as if I was insane and before going in I complimented, "Jungkook, how nice of you to open the door for Jimin," and without them being able to let out a word, u hopped into the backseat and locked the door.

Jungkook rolling his eyes, leaving the door open, head to the driver's seat, and got in the car as Jimin did the same.

Well, this is going to be better than I thought.

It wasn't long after we had arrived at the mall. It was fun driving there though. With the awkwardness between Jungkook and Jimin, it was priceless.

I had put Jungkook and Jimin to any while I shop for some undergarments. I had enough but when a girl goes shopping, she never had enough. Besides, I'm not going to let Jungkook pay for my clothes. I'm going to pay for them myself.

After collecting my clothes that j want to try on, I head to where Jungkook and Jimin were.

"Ok boys, I'm only taking two out of these," I handed them all the clothes, "Do you both get to pick which you want me to wear. Let's start with the first one." Yous said as you picked it up.

The clothes that I had picked out were quite random. Different styles of clothes to different events.

I had firstly worn a pink dress, laced at the backs of included lace patterns. It gave a great reveal of your cleavage and color bone with thin stars.

 It gave a great reveal of your cleavage and color bone with thin stars

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You walked out of the room, earning Jungkook and Jimin's attention. "So what do you think?" They both looked up from their devices scanning me up and down.

It was quite intimidating two boys gawking at me until Jimin spoke, "Ammmm....... You look good....... I mean look beautiful Y/N," he stuttered. You flipped your hair showing off your dress, trying to ignore the fact that he stuttered.

"What do you think Jungkook?" You averted your gaze to him. "It looks amazing ok you but it's too revealing," he lied. As much as Jungkook would want you to wear that dress he didn't want men to be gawking at you, for example, the way he thought Jimin was doing.

"Actually I think you should take it. I love it," Jimin said with a smile while biting down in his lips. "Pervert," Jungkook muttered under his breathtaking glance at Jimin's action. "Ok next one," you turned away before the situation became into an argument.

The next dress you wore was a grey-green dress which ends were in an up and down pattern and pleats flowing down to meet them. It wasn't too short but it exposed a lot of your cleavage.

 It wasn't too short but it exposed a lot of your cleavage

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