Chapter 40

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You mentally screamed in your head until the familiar dark, piercing gaze dove directly into mines. Jeon Jungkook.

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. After a wash of cold, I step from the shadows, as I averted my gaze from his dark, glassy eyes.

Ok Y/N act cool, it's not like you murdered his dog you know. It was just a simple fight.

As you stood up to greet the men that stood in front of you, you could help but look at the Jungkook yo see his facial expression.

As little park of me wanted him to have a sense of happiness to see me but it didn't seem so as his head was directed down.

"Y/N this is Jung Hoseok." Jin introduced the medium height man, who wore a bright smile on his face, that showed his fresh, white, teeth. The man looked like he could cheer anyone up within a moment. I think I might get along with him very well, "Nice to meet you, I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. " he gleamed, with the big smile once again, that shone like a ray of sunshine. "Well, it's nice to meet you too Hobi!" I gave the kind hug.

"Next we have Yoongi, " as was about to give the man a hug as u thought I would do to all the men but he definitely didn't seem like a hugger. His face seemed as if he could scare away a bandit if he ever came to rob him. Note to self; don't mess around with his man. "Hi, I'm Y/N." You gave him a slight smile. The man looked at you in a way as if he had seen a ghost. Why was he looking at me as if I came back from the dead? Did I have food on my face or something?

The man looked like he was now out of his daze as he answered coldly, "I know."

I know? But we now met. Whatever.

"I'm sorry for Yoongi's behaviour Y/N. He isn't really a fun person." Jin gritted to him. "Hey! At least I don't laugh at my own dad jokes."

"Min Yoongi sit your ass down before I make you do it," Jin yelled at him angrily.  "And this is Kim Taehyung." Jin continued.

Taehyung? That sounds familiar.

In front of me stood a black-haired man, with messy hair, like tinted in a dark pink shade, eyes wide open. There was no don't how handsome the man looked. His lips then were pressed together into a thin line, as he scanned my figure.

Seriously, I did I dress inappropriately or something. Everyone is staring at me as if I was a ghost literally. And it did not help my insecurities.

As I was about to greet him, he rushed me too it as he pulled my body into his and embraced me. The man's body was cold and shaking as he hears that my body emitted seem to help, as his shaking seemed to decelerate.

Jin's grunt caused the mean to immediately take responsibility for his action as he pulled away. "I'm sorry, " he brushed his close off. "It's fine. I'm Y/N." You let your hand out to the man who stood with a heated, blush in his face, as he nibbled on his bottom lip. He held out his hand as he shook mines as spoke. "I'm Taehyung. You can call me Tae." He then let it the most adorable smile anyone could have ever seen. A cute boxy smile, that made his eyes hide into as his nose scrunch up.

"Taehyung?" The least expected voice spoke out. My head spun to the boy who just questioned the man's name, "Jimin?"

"You two know each other?" Jin added,  "Yeah! Jimin and I went to high school together before I moved here." Jimin explained. I just gave them two men a smile until Jin spoke.

"And I sure you know they messed up man, Jeon Jungkook. " Jin joked as his hit slightly hit the man on the shoulder. I turned to Jungkook as he directed his head to the ground.

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