Chapter 63

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You lay in your bed, early in the morning thinking. Don't we just love that? Thinking. Once again.

The place where our money carries us, places and situations that we want to be in and situations where we don't. And the latter seems to be the case most of.

Thinking about the last few weeks, going to work, coming home, spending time with your friends and another thing, spending intimate time with Jungkook.

You see that's the thing. I don't think we're just friends not are we a couple, because of the way we act around each other recently, so the question here is what are we?

To fill you up on the situations is Jungkook and I have grown, to be closer together, more than friendly. He kisses me on my cheek more than normal, always making my body heat up with just one simple touch.

I stay at his house a lot, always spending time with him, each second to a minute to hours to days. We cuddle and watch movies and cuddle to go to sleep. And we have sudden heated and passionate moments. The make-out session would get quite steamy, would lead to hickeys or I may just straddling his wait anywhere but there are always interruptions. And my mind tells me that these are signs that I should cut off my feelings.

And from the little knowledge that I have, I know for sure those are the things that couples or people in love do. I like Jungkook a lot and my feelings and the way I look and treat Jungkook, the past few weeks are no longer in a friend type of way.

The words are always on the tip of my tongue to tell him I like him, or how I feel about him, and just be together already but I just can't. The words won't come put, number one, I keep thinking that I would make a fool out of myself as he would probably laugh at me or he could have just lost his feelings for me.

One would say that if he actually lost his feelings for you, he wouldn't be doing these type of things with or to you. But when you think, your mind creates new worlds.

At the centre of my mind along with a lot of other things is the fact that this Saturday is his birthday. And the only thing that I can think about is throwing a birthday party for him at the moment.

Not a big one, we'll not with a lot of people I mean, just the boys and Nura. It's the least that I could do for Jungkook. He means literally everything to me now. And he deserves this, he has been working a lot lately, especially since the day where he had missed the meetings because of me.

God, I regret that and k keep apologising but he kept on saying that it wasn't my fault, even though it wasn't anyone's fault except Minyak.

Speaking of him, Namjoon got him arrested but he was bailed out a few hours later, but the person who bailed him out is unknown.

I wonder who had sympathy for what jerk?

Anyways, since I'm home today, I took a say off as today is Thursday and Jungkook's birthday is Saturday. Yes I know, I'm a last-minute person, but you can't blame me. Everyone's like that.

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