Chapter 20

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Jungkook was waiting patiently to hear from Dr. Kim but he still had to wait a while. It had been a few hours since you have been submitted to the hospital and it was not. 2:00a.m.

Jungkook scurried the hospital halls up and down while Jin sat in a chair, with his hands balled into his hair. "Jungkook, I think you should have a seat. She's gonna be fine. It's Y/N......" He said as he tried to calm him down.

"Hyung, how would you know. I caused this to happen to her. What if I lose her as I lost her. This can't happen to me again. I'm going to go mad hyung." Jungkook explained. The drive to the hospital and ever since you fainted in his hands he only blamed himself for what happened to you. There was no one to blame other than him.

Pacing through the halls, Dr. Kim then came out of the room that you were in. Jungkook immediately caught a glimpse and ran to him, "How is she? Is she ok? Is she gonna be fine?"

"Calm down Jungkook she's going to be fine. Her vitals are good, she has a slight fever and may have some constant headaches for a few days but she would be ok. What happened?" The doctor asked. "We got in a fight and I went to her house late and she started telling me and then I started yelling. She told me her head hurts but u was too much of an asshole telling her how much I love her instead of listening to her. Oh my god, I'm such a horrible person." He held his head as Jin said,"It's not your fault Jungkook. Things happen. Just give her some time. Don't mention that anything to her ok."

"Actually........" the doctor cut Jin off, "........she would be able to remember anything again that happened in the last twenty-four hours unless someone brings it up. She would have hallucinations and then I would take about a few minutes and she would remember but if you don't so you should be fine. But don't hurt her again Jungkook. Her brain cannot stand it. Oh and I forgot to tell you, it's been a while but these headaches can bring back memories so be careful........" He added and that made Jungkook's head shoot up. "What?....." Jin asked

"Yes exactly what I said. Cherish we Jungkook. Show her how much she is worth it because she is. Wow her that you need her. The argument that you both have it must be for a reason, so I think you should fix that. Don't bring it right away but you have to get it resolved if you want to keep her." The doctor preached. "I told her. I told her how much I needed her but she said that she doesn't need me. The blatantly yelled it to me. She doesn't need me Hyung," he turned. To both Jin and the doctor, "Maybe............I should just give up," Jungkook said as he hung his head low.

"Hey, how many times do I have to tell you that we have come too far into this to give up. It will just take some time......" Jin spoke sternly to him.

"How much time Jin, I have waited so long and all she ever did was push me away. And it's all my fault. I should just die already........"

" I can't tell you what to do because it is not my life and I would be doing the same if I was in your position, we are no different. I have known you for too long and the Jungkook that I know would never give up, ok?" And all Jungkook did was not to his best friend.

"Can I go in and see her?" he asked the doctor."Yes, she should wake up soon. I want you to monitor her. I have to go back to Busan tomorrow so I would drop by in a few minutes when's he wakes ok before no go. I'm sorry but it's urgent and I can't stay......." the doctor explained.

Jungkook and Jin entered into the room that you were in. As he entered his heart broke into a million pieces to see your weak state that was all caused by him. Your face was pale but you always had the peaceful, glow when you slept and he was happy that was still there. Happy you were fine. Jin sat on the other side of the bed as Jungkook held onto on hand and Jin to the other.  A planted a kiss on your knuckles and moved away from a strand of hair that was covering your eyes.

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