Chapter 60

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Saturday. Saturday. Saturday. Saturday is here.

The guys are coming over today for dinner and a movie. I'm pretty excited since I haven't really seen them since the night of the party and I definitely didn't leave them with a good expression.

From me being totally drunk to kissing their best friend leading to them fighting. Now that I think about it, it only makes me nervous.

What would happen? Between Jungkook and Yoongi and Yoongi and I. That is a bit going to go down too well. But to be honest, I'm quite inquisitive about what is happening between Taehyung and Jimin.

Back to reality, it's now six in the afternoon, the boys should arrive soon and we also invited Hoseok's girlfriend, Nura. I figured it could probably be a nice time for all of us to get to know each other better and be comfortable.

Right now, I'm at Jungkook's house, while both of us are preparing the food for dinner. Surprisingly I'm not that good of a chief but Jungkook and I booked and the food tastes good for all that we know. Amazing in fact, especially for people who don't know how to cook.

And doing everything together, helping each other and being by each other's side, that's how we have been the past couple of days. I didn't leave Jungkook's home, only to go back to my house to get some clothes but that was it. He even went with me.

We would spend the days together, laughing, eating, watching movies and even have cuddling. We have grown closer to each other, way more than friendly and more intimate.

We would cuddle at night before we fell asleep, Jungkook would leave small kisses in my forehead, cheek or even on my neck, and those simple actions would make my heart skip as the wave of emotions would crash onto my body.

When we're cuddling, his warm arms and body that is emitting his geat, warming not only my outsides but my insides in a good way.

We would also have each other around the house like we use to do when we were in college and then he would end up tickling me, the feeling was just amazing. The unique feeling, that courses through my body, it felt as if it wasn't for the first time. It felt as if Jungkook and I were a lost couple or something. And I couldn't help but wonder if that was really true. The feeling and rush of emotions were too good to be true.

We did all of this, with him not knowing how I feel about him.

It pained me, I got to admit. I would call him, while the words are at the tip of my tongue wanting to tell him how I feel about him, but I just couldn't get the words out. I just brushed it off.

And what comforted me the most was he kept apologizing for what he did. We did have a few talks for time to time and I guess this gave me some relief and comfort, it also helped me to forgive him easily and helped him stop fighting himself about it. And that was a good thing.

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