Chapter 51

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Who knew avoiding someone you have feelings for would be so easy. Especially when that's your best friend and your boss.

Every five minutes the thought of Jungkook comes unto my head which is bizarre because u rarely thought of him during the day, but that has during the past few days.

The warm and fuzzy feeling I get when I think about him sends a sudden shiver through me. My heart would pound like it never did before. It was strange but somehow felt familiar, as if I have felt like this before. I was accustomed to the feeling.

Even though the avoiding of Jungkook and Jimin had been going quite well, Jungkook just had to break it.

Today was the party that Jimin was throwing for Taehyung. Luckily I managed to get a present for him. And I was specific with my present as I bought him a watch, I was going to buy shoes but I figured he properly didn't want those.

However, Jungkook didn't want to go, as he told me by text a that was my way of avoiding him physically, so I don't show my emotions but until had other plans. He came for lunch which he happily enjoyed but he stayed and I figured out the reason why. And I guess your figured it put as well.

He stayed because he didn't want me to go to the party.

I like the fact that he cared, bringing a warm feeling to the love-struck girl that I have suddenly become but he still has no control over my life.

I do as I please.

After having lunch, I took a break while Jungkook watched television. I barely actually slept, of course, because I was into thinking about him.

Would I ever tell him how I feel? But that would ruin our friendship.

Being the girl he always told he loved, actually thinking about, I could just go up to him and confess but I just couldn't.

After a while of thinking and becoming filtered by thinking about all the couple things Jungkook and I could do if we were together, I left the couch as I began walking up the stairs to get dressed since it was already five o'clock.

"Where are you going?" The voice that I had expected spoke. "I'm going to get ready for the party. Aren't you going?" I asked the stupid question which I already knew the answer to.

"Of course not. Why can't you stay here with me, " that was his way of getting me to stay with him and trying not to be too overprotective but that managed to hit a soft spot in my heart? Plus, I promised Jimin that I would be there.

"I promised Jimin that I would go to the party. " I pouted. "But I don't want you to go. Men would be eyeing down my princess," he spoke bluntly, knowing that I wasn't going to give in, but part of me wanted to stay with him. But I couldn't. I was way too obvious. Especially when I was not trying to be sold out. And this was so thing that I don't to be sold out to.

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