Chapter 50

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The week went by quite fine. Well not like can't normal week.

Y/N decided to be distant from Jimin, trying her best not to lead him on again and Jimin also tried to keep his distance. She also kept her distance from Jungkook trying her best to deny and shove aside her true feelings. But was that going to last for long?

Jimin, however, had a process to get rid of his feelings. It may not seem as if it was hard on him, but it was. He was actually really hurting but tried his best not to show it. Because that is what Jimin does best.

He decided that even though you still rejected him he needed to make sure he wasn't going to make a mistake. That he would regret of course. The thing could, unfortunately, turn around. Jungkook could actually be a rapist and abuse you.

Who am kidding? Jeon Jungkook. Never he is too perfect. Jimin thought to himself.

He needed to have an insider talk with the other person who knew you better than him. Who probably would know you better than yourself. Who you have spent a lot of time with and could also stand Jimin for a matter of fact and could actually tell the truth.

Jimin just followed his steps as he managed to find the huge mansion, good alone know how he found the address.

Of course, the house was beautiful and humongous. A huge gate that leads to the house, with trees and a beautiful side garden. Jin was always neat and put-together person, no wonder he had a variety of different parts an flowers. Not to mention the fountain landscape that leads to his driveway.

Jin started college as he majored in business but then decided that law was his actual place. He now owns his own law firm which happens to be a very well known and a successful firm in Seoul.

One could say that he had everything covered.

He rang get doorbell as he was let into the gates. He waited for a response as his visit to the man was abrupt and to Jimin's surprise as well.

After a few moments, then a tall handsome man dressed in cute, pink pyjamas with his hair all ruffled up as if he was sleeping.

After a few moments, then a tall handsome man dressed in cute, pink pyjamas with his hair all ruffled up as if he was sleeping

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