Chapter 73- Final

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Just like a movie, it shows. But you see this movie is really fast but not too fast, slow but not too slow, beautiful but not too beautiful, enjoyable and heart welcoming but not too enjoyable and hearty welcoming. I'm sure you see the pattern.

The first day I met the little boy in the park.

He gave me ice cream.

We became friends that day.

He was always there..........

We went to elementary school together. He protected me from the bullies.

He got bullied as well but always took my hits.

He was always there..........

We both met Jin, we were friends since then.

The three of us looked happy.

We were happy............

I would go home from school meeting my parent, my mom, my dad, and there we would have dinner together.

My mom, she was so beautiful. The glimmer and shiny sparkle in her happy and peaceful eyes as she stared at me.

He would put me to bed, after telling me a bedtime story. Both of them, not have one.

They were always there.........

My first day of high school. We met the boys.




We were all best friends then.

They helped fought off my bullies.

But he was not bullied anymore.

Everyone had a great interest in him.

They all loved him.

He was always there.........

They hated me when they found out for that he and I were a couple.

A newly happy couple. Childhood friends. No best friends.

Best friends who were destined to be together forever. No separating us.

He's always there..........

He took us to the park, where he asked me to be his girlfriend.

There we had our first kiss.

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