Chapter 42

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As you both were outside the bathroom, Jungkook turned to you and gave you a wide smirk, "Let's go see the guys now Princess................" He said pulling his collar down.

He grabbed your wrist to heading to the guys but you pulled away, walking nervously towards them.

"Hey, where we're you two?" Hobi asked. "Um....uh....we..... We were playing. " you stuttered. "But we saw you exit. " his curiosity took over. "Uh........"

"Relax Hyung, Y/N went to the bathroom and I went to hold her purse for her. " Jungkook finally answered as your face was heated.

You tried your best to cover up the marks on your neck with your jacket but all Jungkook did was pull his shirt down even more. However, you didn't seem to notice with all your nervousness.

Your brain had millions of thoughts, questions, emotions and feelings you wanted to answer but you didn't even know-how.

"Seems like you do more than just hold a purse for her........." Taehyung pointed his neck. Your eyes shot open and so did the other five. Your breathing began to increase as the redness if your face rushed for your cheeks to your ear.

Yoongi said, "I'll be waiting for you guys outside, " his face seemed tense as the clenching if his haw was clearly visible. Does he seem I don't know................sad, shocked?

"Jungkook!!!!!! I told you not to do anything with Y/N!" Namjoon argued. "Hyung calm down. Plus I didn't give myself these hickeys" Jungkook smirked.

How can these people talk about these things so freely? But you were so ashamed. But normally you always had a feeling of regret in you. But you didn't this time. You actually enjoyed it.

You fumbled with the star of your purse as Jin came back from the bathroom.

"Hyung, look at Jung-" Hobi mouthed. "Yeah, I know. I think it's cute!" Jin surprising sounded, making you raise your head. "Cute. Hyung. What even. Uh, let's get out of here!" Namjoon rolled his eyes as he headed towards the entrance to busy looking back at us as he hit his head on the door.

"Let's go." Jungkook grabbed your hand which made goo flinch. The simplest action that Jungkook at down for you only made your cheeks great up. Why!!!!!!!!!!!

"Actually I would meet you in the car. I have to check on Namjoon, " you exclaimed. He did seem really angry and you can't have your brother angry at you. You finally have in at your side from a long time in a while and I can not let go of the opportunity to spend time with him. He is the only family I have left and I don't want to lose him.

"Well be out in a few," Jungkook added.

You gave hugs to Hobi, Taehyung and Jin before exiting the alley. As you made your way out of the place, Yoongi stood near the entrance with something with what looked like a cigar in his mouth. "Hey, Yoongi. You that's not good for you." You said as you approached him.

"Well, we have to die some way or the other right. What is it worth?" He joked, the man really confused you sometimes, one minute is happy and cheerful and the other he acts as if his eyes named out of granite and limestone. Hard. Cold. But you seemed to take an interest in the man. His attitude was welcoming. Sometimes you wished you were like that.

But you know deep down inside everyone has secrets.

"Well that's slide can't it. " his face looked tenser. "What do you want Y/N?" His tone scared you. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you." You turned to walk away but he held your wrist, pulling you closer to him but it too close. His breathing was heavy as his chest heaved up and down. He looks broken for a moment until he broke.

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