Chapter 53

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{Earlier that night at Jimin's}

There the man stood hid in the bushes, having a clear view if all the activities taking place in the house.

Somehow or the other, he managed to get past the security since an invitation was needed to enter into the premises, but he did.

Confirming his presence, he decided to call his boss. "Sir, I have reached. What should I do now?" He asked as the other line picked up?

"Monitor what is going on for now. We have to keep low, so they don't suspect anything. Alert me when you see any of the people I told you to look out for " and with that, the line cut off.

After, the man, in his mid-twenties, dark-haired, had a mask on alone with a black-suited attire waited a bit observing carefully everything and everyone who entered the party.

About a few minutes after, he noticed the birthday boy along with the other three familiar men arriving at the party. "Hmmm......" They thought to himself thinking that his working was going quite nice.

But that didn't really bother him neither his boss, his main target bad arrived with her brother. And that was you. He called his boss to notify him.

"She has arrived. What should I do now?" he question. "Is he there?" He ignored his statement, asking his own question.

"No sir, she came with her brother. There are no signs of Jeon Jungkook " he stated

"Ok, keep me updated with further details".

And that was what he did. The man was paid for six hours from five to eleven and according to his watch, he only had about ten minutes again.

Packing up his equipment, he managed to notice a quest, who he hand expected to show, showed up to his utter surprise. And of course, it was no one other than the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

Waiting for the man to enter inside the house, he called the big man, " He has arrived, sir!" On the other line, the boss' eyes shot open in shock, thinking that he wouldn't show. Because why would he, he was attending a party of his stepbrother that he hated.

The boss thought that the sluty whore that he thought you are, probably got yourself into shit and Jungkook being such a submissive had to rescue the whore.

What an amazing fairly tale he thought.

"Ok, tell me when he is leaving!" He instructed, " But sir my time in up in about three minutes."

"I'll pay triple for the rest of the hours you work." An that was the black-coated accomplice needs to hear.

So, of course, the man saw Jungkook and you leave the party and you were drunk as fuck. Boss would love this, he thought.

He alerted his boss and was then told to follow you and Jungkook.

"Boss, Jungkook has taken the girl to a hotel," he spoke into the phone. "He is probably going to screw her ok. Call me if anything else happens." And then the line cut.

The man stayed awake, for a good few hours again, surprisingly not falling asleep. Actually, he did fall asleep but the car in front of him which belonged to Jungkook started.

Jungkook stood outside the car, banging into the windows as he got in and repeatedly hit the steering wheel. The man observed as the hits became harder and more painful by the second. So painful that blood was seen on his knuckles with the impact of the leather steering wheel.

That occurred for a while, until the crying, regretful, and yet mysterious Jungkook left the hotel.

Along with that, the man folded up his camera, filming the entire thing after sending the video to his boss, earning an extra five hundred bucks for his tremendous work, as his work was done.

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