Chapter 70

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As Mr Park hung up the phone, he made his way to the door of the room they were in, locking it securely knowing thing Jungkook would be here at any moment.

He knew Jungkook would bring what he wanted in order to get back you but why wouldn't he have some fun while he's at it.

Making his way back to you, he looks at your diluted eyes, shooting slowly but trying your best to keep them open.

Holding now what seems like a whip in his hands, he encircled your weak and drained out figure once again.

"Alright, let's have some fun. The games simple. If you remember you don't get hit by the whip understand??"

With no response he started, "Ok, didn't I tell you to stay away from my son a long time ago? Can't you remember our first encounter?" He asked.

First, encounter what is he talking about. I don't remember talking to him about this.

"What are you dumb now. Use your fucking month and answer me you bitch!" He exclaimed without me answering so he could hit me with the whip but still does it anyway.

I squirm with the pain not being able to she channel through my body but only to make my skin numb.

"Ok I like your answer silence, " my voice weakened more than my voice as I couldn't let out a sound from my hanging arms.

"By my sons are useless now so I could care less. All I want is my company back. So next question. Do you prefer what I did to you about four years ago?" He was now standing in front of me, lifting my chin to look at him.

Why does he keep saying that he did something to me years ago?

I shook my head with the energy that I had left in my system. He then whipped me again but this time in my face, causing the leather to cut through my skin, feeling the blood leaking from the cut.

"Next question, I wonder how the baby would have looked. Haha. I would have killed that baby when it was born but you did all the work already with your pathetic weak body!" He laughed.

Baby? What baby?

"W-what are you talking a-about?" I asked, my tears now coming in contact with the open cut.

"Oh, nothing much other than you had a miscarriage when I had nearly driven you to your death. Do you recall?" He chuckled.

Miscarriage? I never even had sex up to yesterday for the first time. How could I have been pregnant?

My thoughts were then interrupted by the cloud thunderous banging again the door. Within a few seconds, the opened widely as there was a sweaty, tall, muscle figure that was the only person k wanted to see at the moment, with a heaving chest rising up and down looking around the room.

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