Chapter 61

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*Warming Slightly mature content ahead*

"Omo, there're so cute!!!"

"Right, with her small hands and his big muscle pigs hands"

"I'm sure he's crushing"

"Shhhhh!!!! Were going to wake them up!!!!"

"I think Jungkook's little mister is already woken up!"

"Wait what!?"

"Yepp!!!" They all giggled watching the pair sound asleep on the couch, but their laughter was too loud as you had slowly fluttered your eyes open.

The room theatre room was displayed in front of you, but the entire thing was messy. Where are the guys you thought?

As if your thoughts answered you questioned you heard small but pretty loud laughs and giggles behind you. And then the next thing that started you, making your eyes widen, was the fact that tough, heavy but warm and cosy hands we're wrapped around your small figure.

And those hands belonged to Jungkook. You immediately recognised that because of his sent and only his body makes you feel the way you are feeling right now.

Not to mention, you then felt something poking you in your leg. That was when the final realization hit you like you there Jungkook's hand off your body as you sat straight on the couch, and turned around to meet seven smiling faces.

What are they still doing here!!!! Your face was tinted with bright fluorescent pink, as your body began to heat up from embarrassment.

They were watching you sleep with Jungkook wrapped around you and you knew for sure they knew about Jungkook's little problem.

"Uhhhhhh!!!!!" You groaned as the all began silent but some small chuckles we're still heard. Your groan was loud enough until you heard the soft and husky of Jungkook calling you name, "Y/N.........."

Then they all began to laugh louder, Jungkook now is going back to his senses as he felt his problem in his pants grip tighter causing tk let out a shaky but soft audible moan.

He immediately shot up and placed a pillow on his lap looking at all his friends inclusion you with wide eyes, flushed face covered and displayed with embarrassment.

Jungkook didn't know what to do not say as silence filled the air, with you holding your head and slightly shaking your head with awkwardness.

That was until Hoseok broke the thick air, "Jungkook are you ok with little Jungkookie?"

"Hyunnnnngggg!!!!!!" Jungkook groaned and yelled as everyone burst into laughter and you yourself couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why are you laughing??" Jungkook asked you, feeling humiliated.

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