Chapter 8

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The day had gone by slower than I thought it would. Flashbacks of what happened with Jungkook still replayed in my mind. I didn't know why but it felt...........good. Jungkook always touched me, whispered in the ear, gave me little kisses on my cheek and stuff but never once he heaved his hot breath against my neck. And that took control of me. But yet the worst part of it was that, I thought it was Jimin. Why am I so messed up? I knew it was wrong........but some part of me wanted Jungkook to continue...........but only because I thought it was Jimin. But yet again it was wrong because Jungkook was my best friend and I didn't take him seriously when he said he loved me. I thought it was just a crush. I still think it is but it also gave me a tingling feeling. Boi am I messed up.........

I was now in the lunchroom heating up my lunch making my way to my eating table when Jimin accompanied me. " Hey, haven't seen you all morning," he chuckled as he shoved a mouth full of kimchi in his mouth. I admired the way his mouth moved up and down while he chewed on his food. He looked so adorable with his plump lips made into a pout, because of his stuffed mouth.

" It's not good to stare Y/N. You're gonna make me choke on my food, with your cute face."  And just the way he talked made your face light up, beat red. " You look cute with your mouth full Jiminie. Can I call you that, it suits you better," you chuckled under your breath, picking up a fry sticking it into your mouth?

" You do you, my cute Y/N," he said as he drank his water. You both continued talking and laughing about random things. He told you where he was from, originally was from Busan, and came here to work for his father. Funny much Jungkook was also from Busan and they were only two years apart, Jimin being older.

"Wait here, you have some mustard on the side of your mouth," you paced your sandwich in your dish, willing your hand and cleaning the side of Jimin's lip. His face was soft as you admired his features. His beautiful grey eyes that were glossy as you stared into them until he then studied your features. You tugged on your lip as his eyes lowered on your lip making you bit it again. And this sent shivers through Jimin's body. While all you wanted to do was feel is plump lips against yours.

Suddenly realizing that he was inching closer, you cleared your throat catching his attention and yours fall back to his food. The sudden action made you clench your legs together, allowing the heat to take over your body.

" Sorry,". He muttered, "no it's okay," you said and looked at him smiling, "Here have a chips," you said as to handed it to  him, which he happily accepted, to release the hot tension between you both.

"Uh..mhmm," you then became startled by the manly muscle pig that stood next to you as you looked up. There he was, standing like th confident man he is.
"What do you want Jungkook?" You role your eyes placing your attention back to your food.

"Nothing just wanted to see how you were doing." He said as he pulled out a chair from beneath the table sitting between you and Jimin. Then you sensed it. The same college Jungkook was back. He never sits in the lunchroom to eat and if he needed you he would have called you. You easily slide your hand into your purse noticing that you have five missed called from Jungkook. No wonder he came looking for you.

" And what are you doing?" You questioned as he took one of your fries.

" Nothing, can't I come and see my girl!" He chuckled as he looked at Jimin and then back at you while placing his hand around your neck. " Hahaha, why not?" You nervously said. There you were sitting having lunch with two men that made your hormones go crazy the entire day one after the other.

You all stayed in your seat eating, silence throughout the entire meal until the lunch hour was over. Most awkward lunch you have ever eaten.

"Mr. Park, if you don't mind I would like to see you in my office after lunch to discuss the new architecture project please if you don't mind. I would like to show you some of our procedure at the company, if you don't mind again," Jungkook stood up from his seat, tucking his hands into his pocket while the glancing at him.

"Yh sir, no problem. If you don't mind I would like to grab my stuff in my office before coming to meet you."

" Yes sure, no problem see you in a while," Jungkook turned around to go but then halted in his steps, "Oh I forgot, don't forget about this evening baby, I'll be waiting for you at the bottom of the elevator," he smirked as his eyes lingered between you and Jimin before leaving

Dammit, Jeon...... You never stop with your possession. Why can't I have at least one boy?

As he walks away from our site, Jimin questioned, " Are you and Mr. Jeon are dating, I'm sorry is if I ca-..." You merely choked on your drink as Jimin blurted out the funniest conclusion.

" Are you serious? Me and Jungkook? We went to college together, he is my best friend. He may seem possessive you can say but he had a crush on me so......Yh"

" Ok good...... Just wanted to clear the air because I definitely didn't want to have to run against my boss. I really need this job to make my father proud. It is as if I never satisfied him. But then again, I'm happy because I would really like to get to know you," he said softly, muttering the last part whirl looking up at your smiling.

" Really? It would like that too," you gleamed as your face immediately heated up. Jimin really has an effect on you. You thought and you wanted it you continue.

" Ok great, I'll see you around then," He smiled as he stood up gathering his food and heading to meet Jungkook.

But you already knew why Jungkook called Jimin to his office. The looked he had in his eyes said it called."You belong to me Jungkook was back!" And it scared you thinking if Jungkook didn't stop with this behavior, you would end up lonely for the rest of your life. But you are baffled why he would go so be one for a girl like you because remembering the "college Jungkook" girls always flung themselves at him. But he never once gave in. His go-to line was, "I already have my girl, she's mine......"

He would always act all confident and proud. And ignoring his words, you admire this pride and confidence.

You let your thoughts flow in your head as you made it back to your office thinking about the journeys you Jungkook and Jin had in college............

Jimin, on the other hand, had no idea what was install for him as he made his way to Mr. Jeon's office..................


"Everyone promises forever until they found someone else........"


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