Chapter 23

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The drive to God knows where Jungkook was taking me was long. Long enough that I had slept through the entire drive.

"Y/N.....Y/N......wake up we're here......." Jungkook shook my shoulder, holding on the hand that rested on my lap, awakening from my slumber. As my eyes opened, I was taken aback by the huge house that stood majestically in front of us.

In front of the house hunt two large, tall palm trees, with a tiled driveway and a complex design gate. The house construction was breathtaking. The different ups and downs and the layout. No wonder Jungkook was one of the most popular architecture company here.

 No wonder Jungkook was one of the most popular architecture company here

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"Where are we?" You questioned Jungkook, Turing to his gaze with big gleaming eyes. "We're at one of my houses," he said with a smile on his cute face.

"Wait, one?" Who am I kidding? Of course, Jungkook is a millionaire. You wouldn't expect that Jungkook was a millionaire because if the way he acted. His kindness was genuine. All the wealthy people I had ever met were always stuck up but when I come to Jungkook, I sometimes, actually all the time forget that is rich.

We entered into the driveway, pulling up at the front of the house. A tall man, dressed in black, came out if the house. He looked like a security guard. Jungkook stopped the car getting out, nodding at the man, before closing the door.

Wait am I being kidnapped?

Jungkook then made his way to my side of the car, opening the door and helped me out. The man then jumped into the car and drove it to what seems like the garage. "Come on let's go inside," he said as you placed your hand inside his and made your way into the house.

As I made my way inside of the house, the interior of the house is focused around a large central hallway serving as the main avenue of traffic and entrance area to the adjacent rooms. The hallway flows into a large, wide staircase that provides the main means of egress from the entertainment area of the house to the private rooms on the second floor. Four formal rooms with sixteen-foot ceilings, pocket doors, fireplaces, and tall windows form the main block of the building.

This combination of colors is repeated throughout both floors of the house. The tall, heavy, varnished wood doors have as the top panel, colored glass panes of amber, blue and pink, in a geometric design. On either side of the main doors are smaller, longer versions of the colored glass windows. The doors and small windows have molded surrounds of painted wood with bulls-eye corner blocks and decorative accents on the door surround and on the baseboard.

You stood in awe of the interior of the house, hearing a small chuckle from Jungkook. "Are you sure you own this place," you gave him a questioning look. "Yes, I do. I actually designed it myself. I had built this for us......." Jungkook let out, being aware of his words after he said them. "Us?" You asked, confusingly, "Uh... Yes..... I mean......when we have to hang know...... Like with Jin and know" he stuttered, but you were still too astonished by the design to even pay attention to Jungkook.

Standing in silence for about a few minutes, Jungkook blurted out, "Well I'll take you to your room, I got my people or get you some clothes. They are on your bed, so you can take a bath and change into them. When you're finished, you can come downstairs, dinner would be ready by then."

Jungkook then took me to the room. It wasn't any simple room. The room felt familiar, but you couldn't get a grasp of why it looked and yet felt familiar. Ignoring the feeling, you made your way to the bathroom and freshen up.

Jungkook's people had left long black jeans, a hoodie, short pants, and undergarments for me to wear. I took that the short pants were for me to sleep in do I didn't bother to wear the jeans.

 I took that the short pants were for me to sleep in do I didn't bother to wear the jeans

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As I made my way downstairs, I headed into the kitchen, but Jungkook wasn't there. I looked around the kitchen since it was huge and then I ventured into the living room but he wasn't there.

I looked around the room, but it seemed like he was rarely here. Why waste a huge and beautiful house like this.

Why did he build this house it wasn't going to live in it? You thought.

Then as you ventured more around the house, you saw Jungkook in the backyard. As you approach closer to the door that leads to it, he was there sitting on the edge of the pool, shirtless. Oh not again Jeon.

 Oh not again Jeon

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You open the door, earning his attention. "Oh hey, sorry for making you wait," he said as she was about to get up. "Not can we sit here for a while?" He simply nodded giving you a confused look before sitting down back....................



"I promised I'd catch you if you fall and that's why I was afraid to leave you all alone."

This was a short chapter, because I wrote all in one and found that it was too long so I separated it. I hope you guys enjoy it.
I literally can't wait for you to the next one. Things are going to happen😏

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