Chapter 38

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He was in love. He was in love with her. But when she left, he couldn't help but fall more. More in love with her. She left him. Alone. To deal with his problems, life's problems and situations on his own, when they both promised each other to not, never, ever abandon each other. But that was exactly the opposite of what she did.

But he couldn't blame anyone but this one person, being why she left. Why she was completely gone.

But she wasn't, completely gone. Jungkook acted and told himself, convinced himself that there wasn't a chance.


There, he and his love sat in the ice cream parlour together. As they sat there, h gave himself the award for being the happiest man on this earth. But he was with her. And that was all needed.

His love bought a vanilla ice cream. The one that tasted exactly like her. Felt like her. Smelt like her. Her presence. Her existence. Her love. His world. His happiness. His life. His future. It was his addiction.

Everything about her was his addiction that there was no remedy to. And he for sure didn't want a remedy for his addiction.

He watched as the beautiful women, inside and outside, sat with him as they both shared one the ice cream. He would buy all the ice cream there was in the world to continuously share that one with her.

"Aishh Kookie! You can really be a baby sometimes." His love joked. "Of course honey. That's because I'm your baby." He chuckled, earning a cute blush that crossed the girl's face. And that was all he wished for.

Her happiness. Her cheerful eyes. Her wide ocean like-smile. Her cheeks squished together when she smiled. Her beautiful white teeth. The cute dimples on the corner for her lips. He lived for it all.

"Well my baby needs to stop eating like baby," she giggled as she removed the ice cream that was on the corner to his lips, placing the sweet into her mouth. Jungkook pouted surely at his girlfriend. "But you're still my cute baby!" Placed a spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

"Sooooo... What are we going to do today?" He asked as he placed his hands under his chin, turning his entire attention to the younger. "Well, I can't really do anything today. Mr Nim gave us so many exercises to do in our business class. And it's due Monday. So I have to go and do that after this." She explained.

"Uhhhhh!!!! These stupid college teacher taking my girl away from me!" He groaned. "Hey, I would try to do quick so we can hang out but that's unlikely. I'm sorry Kookie. " eh girl showed a disappointed look on her face.

The college had actually been quite a lot on both sides of the couple. She with a lot of assignments and Jungkook with his father on his tail about company stuff. With all that, they barely hang out.

And they weren't used to it.

The girl placed a kiss on his cheek making the mood less depressing. "It's fine honey. Maybe we could do something next weekend." He assured her.

They both continued to eat their ice cream until she remembered that something was bothering her lately and actually scared her, to be honest. "Jungkook?" She held his hands.

The expression on her face gave Jungkook a worried look. Before she could say anything he spoke, "Are you going to break up with me?" He asked, taking things to conclusions.

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