Chapter 10

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You were waiting patiently on the ground floor for Jungkook as you thought  of stopping off at your home before going out with him since you don't want to be in your working clothes. The elevator binged, signaling that is has arrived but you saw Jimin coming out of the elevator. " Hey Jimin!!" You squirmed,
"how did the meeting go with Jungkook?"

" It went ok. Quite unexpected but I was satisfied," he said resting his hands on your shoulders. You became flustered until you saw a panting Jungkook coming down the stairs. Your gaze immediately shifted to him, ignoring the man in front you, allowing his gaze to shift to where you were staring.

As Jimin saw Jungkook, near him, he turned to you before saying, " Ok looks like Mr. Jeon is excited to see you. I'll get going," and next thing you knew Jimin's lips were planted on your cheek. Your eyes immediately shot open as you dropped your purse. Jimin looked at your rosy red face, before smiling satisfied and walking away.

Why do I have to always run-in with the same men at the same time, who always made me blush like hell? Not to mention they keep driving me crazy. Not one but both. Uhhhhhh!!!!!!What is happening to me! I mentally slapped myself across the face repeatedly.

Jungkook practically ran to you, pulling out his handkerchief, brutally cleaning the part of your face where Jimin just kiss. " Jungkook stop....." You cringed your face as Jungkook didn't seem to be hearing you. "JUNGKOOK!!!!" You yelled getting hold of his arms, looking into his eyes, with his panting state. His eyes literally piercing into yours as his chest heaved up and down. That caused something in your stomach to shift, seeing his a shocked gaze.

" He kissed you. I don't want your face to be infected with dirt," he ignored you still wiping your facing. " Seriously Kook. Stop with your childish behavior. When you are ready to go meet me in your car. And if you don't mind, I would like to stop at my house before we go. If you still want to!" You yelled as you picked your purse up from the ground, being upset with his behavior as everyone's gaze was on yours.

"I'm sorry, I want to go. I'm sorry. Let's go. I do want to go. Go to the car. I'll be there in a few. And I will stop off at your house. I'm sorry, just....... please....."

Seeing how he was practically begging you, you saw the guilt in his face. But you didn't like the way sometimes Jungkook would act when a male is around you.  You wanted to be around them and explore your wants. And Jimin is a nice guy and you would really like to get to know him, but if Jungkook doesn't stop with his overprotectiveness, I'll never have someone I want to be with.
"Ok fine...... Don't be too long," you easily give in as you ruffled his hair and poked his cute little bunny nose before heading out the building.

Jungkook watched you walk out the door as he exhaled a sharp sigh. It was if you were leaving and never coming back. He is as afraid. Afraid that you would fall for Jimin and leave him. He could not let that happen. Never. He was afraid.

Jungkook was afraid to lose you.

Just like he lost her...........


I hurried to my room, rampaging through my closest looking for something cute to wear. After throwing on the cute short light blue jeans, with a black crop top and cardigan over it, allowing one aside to hang loosely on my shoulder, I applied my nude makeup before looking in the mirror.

 After throwing on the cute short light blue jeans, with a black crop top and cardigan over it, allowing one aside to hang loosely on my shoulder, I applied my nude makeup before looking in the mirror

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Running down the stairs, I managed to catch a glimpse of Jungkook sitting in the living room.

" And where do you think you're going in those clothes?" Jungkook gave you a stern gaze looking at you up and down.

You didn't know it but Jungkook couldn't help but to check you out. You never failed Jungkook, as he always admired your beauty. With or without makeup. You were perfect in his eyes.

He innocently bit his lip, running his thumb along his wet lip, loving the way the thin-strapped top exposed your shoulders and collarbone. Not to mention your cleavage. And your legs, how they were revealing, showing too much. But he loved it. It made Jungkook's stomach churn in all different directions.

" What's wrong with my clothes now....." You groaned. You expected it but you knew he would give in and let you wear it. He always did. "It's dying hot outside!!!" You complained like a nine-year-old.

Jungkook stood up from the couch walking over to you," Fine! You win this time only because of how you cute look and that face of yours that you are giving me right now...." He said as he wrapped his hands as around your waist, ensuring he was not crossing his limit as a friend,
"But one thing before we go....." You looked into his eyes wondering what he was implying. But before you know, Jungkook left a wet kiss on your neck.

You immediately gasped, grabbing hold of his biceps, and next thing you know he poked your nose before heading to the front door, leaving you flustered.

Once again, you didn't know why your body suddenly has this reaction to Jungkook. He always teased you. You could understand why your body reacted to Jimin. You liked him more than friendly and you were never touched that way by someone who you wanted to have that sought of relationship with. But then it was Jungkook......

" You coming?" Jungkook asked with a chuckle escaping his mouth looking at you. You quickly turned your head towards him before grabbing your purse and making a bee-line out the door. Ignoring Jungkook.

But in Jungkook's head, he was gleaming with joy. Only loving the reaction that he had on you recently as you never reacted like this.

Being the proud man he is, he closed the door behind him before joining you in the car..........


" I pull you in to feel your heartbeat, Can you hear me screaming,

__________________________________________" I pull you in to feel your heartbeat, Can you hear me screaming, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"

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