Chapter 13

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There are many ways to a perfect love story, but a beginner would think to find love the stages are to become friends and then immediately grow that liking for someone. From friends they would become best friends, then somewhere they both then realized their feelings for each other, to a couple, to soulmates, then to lovers, and continues to husband and wife. And that was the perfect step to find perfect love, is it?

But this relationship went through and then unraveled back to the second step, best friends.

Jungkook layer spared us onto the bed as he slowly woke from his slumber. But then he felt something heavy, a bit soft and tender on his chest, with something long but mushy that trailed along his lower abdomen to his kneel. That made Jungkook eyes shot open. As he looked down, he saw your face snuggled on his chest with your hands wrapped around his waist.

He carefully moved a piece of hair off your face, earning a cute muffled growl from you. It excited Jungkook to see your  peaceful figure against him. His fingertips trailed along your cheeks as your hot breath managed to seep through his shirt and create goosebumps on his stomach.

Looking at you only reminded him of she would sleep snuggled against him a long time ago.

Slightly moving your body away from his, he managed to get off the bed checking the time seeing that you both were already late for work. We decided to make some breakfast, figuring you would be hungry when you wake up, and then he would drive you work.

Going into your kitchen, he scrambled through your fridge looking for something to whip up. You would think Jungkook being the rich, spoilt brat that he can sometimes be, couldn't cook but he did. But only because of one reason.

She thought him how to cook.

Jungkook had taken note that he had to stock up your fridge since he always did so you wouldn't have to go shopping when you were in college so that you could study. But I guess it didn't stop.

Preparing some scrambled eggs, small circular pancakes, and waffles with a side fruit salad with strawberries and blueberries, he placed a cup of banana milk on the side. He placed the fork and napkin on the side of the dish, heading towards your bedroom to wake you up. But he already heard footsteps running down the stairs.

You were dressed in your work clothes, hair neatly combed, makeup well done and your work folder in your hand. Completely ignoring Jungkook, knowing he stood in front of you, you bolted to the door.

"Hey, hey hey, why in such a rush, come I made break-....." His sentence was cut off as he held your wrist but managed to release.

" I can't I would be late for work," you tried to explain. But what you were really doing was ignoring him because of what happened last night.

" I'll drive you to work. Just come and have breakfast,"

"I don't have time for your stupid breakfast Jungkook. I'm gonna be late. You may be the boss, but have to fulfill my job as an employee and one of them was being on time which I'm not!" You yelled becoming angry that he wouldn't let you leave. You don't know but your words hurt Jungkook.

"At least take the banana milk," he rushed into the kitchen grabbing the banana milk and heading running back to you making sure you had something to eat. " Here," he handed me the bottle. " If you want I could pack the pancakes, waffle, and fruit salad for you, it wouldn't take long!" He said.

Jungkook always ensured that you are well. Once you were so down with your insecurities that you starved yourself for a week and Jungkook found you in your bed pale, sleeping. That frightened and terrified him to death. Since that day he made it his priority to make sure you didn't skip your meals.

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