Chapter 18

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Since today was a holiday, you had invited Jin to come and have lunch with you and Jungkook, but that didn't turn out as planned, because my body didn't seem to agree with that.

Jin had arrived at around eleven o'clock and we then decided to go to a lunch cafe to have lunch.

"Jungkook?" You cutely called him. "Yes, my Mashmello?" He turned his gaze to you as you headed out the door.
"Ummm....... Can we invite Jimin to have lunch with us?" You questioned looking down, not wanting to see his reaction.

"And why would we do that?" He answered back. "Well, I guess since he and I are friends, it would be nice to invite him to have lunch with us. pleaseeeeeee" you gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine do want ever you want, but just know I didn't invite him."

"Ok I'll message him to meet us there," You squealed as you went to the car while Jin pulled back Jungkook to have a word.

"Is that who I think it is?" Jin questioned with a stern, worried, and sad look in his eyes towards Jungkook. But Jungkook didn't have the strength to answer him as he went to the car while shaking his head, nodding slightly.


We had arrived at the cafe for about fifteen minutes now but Jimin didn't reach yet. You sat next to Jungkook as Jin sat on the opposite side of the table where Jimin was supposed to sit.

It took five minutes again until Jimin had finally arrived. But Damn did he look hot.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. It had a lot of traffic." He said as he made his way to you and planted a kiss your cheek while hugging you. He then turned to the other two men who sat at the table, "Mr Jeon and ?" He waited for Jin to answer.

" Seokjin, Kim Seokjin. The worldwide handsome but you can call me Jin. It nice to finally meet you." He said while shifting his gaze from Jimin to Jungkook. But Jungkook only looked down.

" Nice to meet you too," and with that Jimin finally sat down.

I wasn't long after we had finally gotten our food. "Jiminie do you like the food?" You cooed but that only made Jungkook burst out into a loud scoff. "Jiminy seriously?" Jungkook asked. You turned to Jungkook with a questioning look. " Is there a problem Jungkook?" you asked. " No I'm fine," he said as he positions his chair closer to you wrapping his hand along your lower back.

That made Jimin furious as his hand followed Jungkook's. You bit your lip as Jimin eyes averted to yours. He will seriously be the death of me. "So I was thinking, my cute Y/N, That we should go see another movie something soon," Jimin stated.

Oh shit!!!!! Seriously Jimin. Is now really the time to ask that??

Before you could answer to Jimin's question, Jungkook had already beat you to it, "Wait! You two went out together?" He shifted an intense glare towards Jimin.

You turned lightly to an angry Jungkook, "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. Jimin took me to the movies on Saturday." You said after chuckling nervously, biting your lip.

You three sat in silence for a bit longer eating your lunch as Jungkook intertwined your fingers together with his under the table.

He chewed on his food, stealing glances at Jimin, squeezing my hands along with it. "Jungkook you're hurting me," you whispered in pain. "What ....." He said as he turns to you. " Your hands?" You looked down.

"Oh sorry," he apologized placing your hands in the table. "Oh, you didn't wear the hand chain I bought you Y/N?" Jungkook questioned.

Are these too serious right now.

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