Chapter 32

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Jimin knew he shouldn't tell her. He knew it. He had to risk it. He has been holding this in for weeks and can't take it anymore. It was eating him alive.

He couldn't believe it. He still can't. But he had to tell someone. You. You were the only person he could tell because he trusted you and he admired you. He was all he had. At least you never lied to him. And doesn't want to lie to you neither.

That is why he wanted to tell you. He knew that what happened last time could be a risk. Last time in the hospital, it was bizarre to him that you couldn't remember when Jungkook and him fought and revealed things to me.

He figured Jungkook had wouldn't want to tell you if you couldn't remember to bring back such an episode. Maybe that was why Jin didn't want him to see me at that moment in the hospital.

But he could still careless he had to tell you.

"Early in the office, you said that Jungkook got everything he wanted. K wanted to ask what does that mean if you don't mind." I became curious.

"Well, that's when my life became fucked up. Everything turned upside down. It was all clear now, you know?"

"What does that mean?" I asked, beaming with confusion.

"Y/N I have something to tell you. But you can't get angry. Well, at least not at me because I told you. I'm not the only one to know to that's. I know for sure no one has told you. I know I should-" I cut him off to anxious.

"Shut up and just blurt it out already!"

"Y/N, I recently found out, about a few weeks now that Jungkook and I are brothers. I didn't tell you before because it was hard to believe myself. I'm sure you didn't know about it." He turns to you to only see a confused and blank expression blended in one.

"Come again? You and Jungkook are brothers?" My eyebrow knitted upwards.

"Yepp! You heard correct....." He sighed.

I couldn't process the information. Yet only it didn't occur to me as a shock. I felt like it knew it. I heard this already. My head immediately started to hurt.

Jimin and I in a........... Bathroom?

Jungkook punching Jimin............?

Me returning home late? The flashback of my memories started to occur, causing my head to pound. My head was about to burst with the ringing.

"No.......!" He couldn't take it anymore as he let out his tears, "You can't leave me...... Please......... I need you.........." Jungkook's voiced echoed.

"That son of a b*tch is not innocent. That is just my sinful stepbrother that ruined my life ok. Now can we just go already!!!!" He yelled back.

"Jimin simply nodded before saying, "I didn't know that he was brother until he told me but I didn't believe him. But I found out yesterday that he actually was. But I don't know why he hates me that much. He also hates his father as well. But I don't know why. My father is my role model he would never do anything wrong. I tried my entire life to make him proud, I'm older then Jungkook but he gave the company to him. He was barely there for me, but I see why now. He had another family to take care of. One that he cared about. He lies to us. My mom.......we believed him......all I ever did was try to make him proud of me but I guess I never reached his standards......."

Why is this all coming back to me? This already happened. Why am I now remembering it? My head was spinning like a top. I looked towards Jimin to only see his head bent down between his legs and his hands covering his face.

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