Chapter 24

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Slightly mature content ahead.

We both just sat, staring at the warm, blue, glistening water that hit the edge of our feet that hung in it. Can't stand the feeling bitting back the questions you asked, "So you you come here often?" You had known Jungkook for a good amount of years now but he always tends to keep his family and home life private. He centers his feelings but never about his family or where he was from. Never.

"No, not really. I come here when I feel down, or when I'm in the moment," he answered not turning is gaze away from the calming and peaceful sound of the water. "So then why did you build this house if you knew you weren't going to live in it. You have the mansion that you live in, why not rent this one or even sell it," you asked curiosity taking over you.

"This one is special. It was built for someone and me to live in," he turned to you with a sad expression. "Oh ok," was all you said to not carry on the conversation and lighten up the mood.

The next thing you no that Jungkook stood up, pulling you up with him.             "Where are we going?"

"In there," he pointed and then he ran and splash into the water, getting your clothes entirely wet. "Jeon Jungkook are you serious?" You asked with an upset face.

"Come on in," he gestured. " No way I'm going to get in there" you added
"Why not? Give me a reason," he played with the water, waving it his hand.

"One, I can't get my clothes wet and two I can't swim," I explained, but Jungkook's face just wore a "are you serious" expression.

"You have some clothes still in the wardrobes, so you can change into them after," he added before thinking, "Still? My Clothes?" You questioned.

"Oh come in, I'll hold you, pleaseeeeeee!" He begged to ignore your question, splashing some water onto me. "Jungkook!!!!!!" I scolded him. After minutes of arguing you finally gave in.

"Turn around," you said gesturing his hand for him to turn around, "Why?"

"Because I don't want a pervert to see me undressing, so turn around," you muttered jokingly. "Oh I didn't know you were going to take off your clothes. Sorry........" He sincerely said before turning around.

I made me wonder if this man would ever give up his loyalty for you. This one of the aspects and personality that you admired from Jungkook. He was never like those disgusting perverts. Never.

I quickly took off my hoodie, remaining in my bra and then my shorts. The next thing I was slowly walked down the steps of the pool, in my undergarments alone.

I was a bit insecure since Jungkook never saw me in any other than my clothes, well except when we went to the beach sometimes, but this time we were alone. That different.

Walking into the water, Jungkook heard the footsteps and asked, "Can I turn around yet?" You nodded, knee height into the water as if he would see you before relying on a yes.

Jungkook was stunned by your figure. Your shapes. The way your curves were in the right places, your exposed cleavage, the way the few clothes had hugged your body. It drove him crazy but he decided to let it go. You moved slowly towards him as he did the same.

"Y/N I'm not going to eat you," Jungkook added seeing the nervous expression plastered on your face. He took your hands in his as he carried you deeper into the water. "Wait no! Jungkook!" You held onto him like a baby. "Don't worry  Y/N, look at me," and you did, "Do you trust me?" You nodded. Of course, you trust him.

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