Chapter 26

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{The next morning}

I woke up the fresh smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. As the wonder aroma entered your nose, it felt weird because you never woke up to delicious breakfast in bed only if............... Jungkook.

You totally forgot that you were at his house. Or at least not the house that he lives in but one of his houses?

Your eyes immediately shot open, to see Jungkook heading closing the door behind him and walking towards you.

"Morning beautiful," he gleamed with the cute bunny smile of his. You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes and fixing your hair. You only wondered how you looked at the moment. Your morning face and hair weren't quite pleasing neither a good view. " I made you breakfast. I thought you would be hungry," he said placing the breakfast on the bedside table and handing you the cup of juice.

After drinking the juice, you sat and ate your breakfast offering him some in which he accepted. You both sat and ate as you fed him. He can be such a baby sometimes and you adored it. That was your weak spot in him.

"So what are we doing today?" You asked him breaking the silence between the two of you. "Well we were going hiking but I thought you wouldn't like that plus I'm sorry but I have to go to the office today. I tried to cancel it but it's urgent. I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Jungkook it's fine. Don't worry. I think I could take care of myself. You don't need to worry. I can assure you," you held his hand showing him you were fine. He simply nodded and after a few moments of silence again he stood up, "You should get changed, take a bath, their your clothes, I mean....... There are some clothes in the draw you can wear them," he corrected himself as he spoke.

Why is he constantly referring to things as mines when I have never been here before.

"Ok," was all you said as Jungkook made his way to the door. Quickly thinking, you wanted to clarify the kiss. Yes, you initiated it but is able to figure out your feelings you had to know how he felt. You never know if Jungkook ma e be playing. It's unlikely. But in these times and centuries, you can't trust anyone.

"Wait......ammmm........" I asked as he turned back. "Yes?" He said with an arched eyebrow. "Ammm...... What happened last night," I explained while scratching my head but he cut me off, "it's ok Y/N and I'm sorry, I know the way you reacted last time and I'm sorry for letting it go on."

"That's the thing, I didn't regret it," those words shock not only Jungkook but you. His eyes sprung open, "you didn't?" He questioned. I replied, "I want to at least try and figure out my feelings and settle down. But I need to know how you felt and you can't keep being so overprotective of me. It not that I don't like it but please do it at the right time. I know it's not like picking a toy because you both are amazing, but I don't know. I'm lost and confused."

All Jungkook was thinking in his mind as he had a chance with you. He had a chance with you. But that's the thing. He had a chance. He wasn't sure you were going to pursue him. He didn't have to think, he knew the other guy was Jimin and he felt less confident in himself thinking that Jimin might actually have yous Nd thought crushed him. You are his. You belonged to him.

"Are you kidding me. It was amazing. You are amazing Y/N and take all the time you need," he said simply with a smirk on his face and not trying to put pressure on you but all he was screaming in his head was "Pick me! Pick me!"

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