Chapter 57

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"OK, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH KOOK. IM COMING IN!!!" and with that Jin banged open the door
As his mouth hung wide open as he saw his best friend, lying unconsciously with a trashed room surrounding his cold, pale, and non-responding body.

Jin's mouth gaped open to see the shattered glass, the papers lying on the ground all torn up, the stained dried up blood that was splattered on his knuckles. Jin started to breathe heavily, staying rooted to his stop for a moment until rushing to the Jungkook lying in the corner of the room.

Jin firstly checked his pulse and luckily he got one. Jungkook's breathe was unsteady, slowly breathing as his chest rises and falls, trying to catch his breathe since his body had no energy.

He didn't want to feel like this but thought that he had no choice. That he deserved it. So that is what he did.

Jungkook now being aware of someone's presence, took him all the strength he had left in his body to open his eyes, "H-Hyung..........?" He muttered with a faint voice. Jin held Jungkook by his head and placed him onto his lap moving the small fragments if his hair away from his pale, puffy face.

"J-Jungkook what happened?" Jin asked, dreading to see his best friend in this state. Jungkook tried to move but was too weak to even move a joint. His head was ringing with pain but the pain seemed to numb him as he could barely feel it. Jin helped him up, placing him against the wall as he whipped out his cell phone ready to call the ambulance but was stop with Jungkook said, " N-No Hyung........I-I'm fine............."

"Jungkook are you freaking kidding me? Look at you," Jin continued to ruffle for his phone but Jungkook begged. "P-Please..........P-Please Hyung........." Jin gave Jungkook a worried look as he placed down his cell phone and got up to grab a bottle of water that laid untouched on the ground along with the mess on the ground.

He hand Jungkook the bottle of water but Jungkook refused it. "Ok........." Jin sighed ".....well you have to at least tell me what is going on. And Y/N called this morning...." He mentioned.

You may want to know why Jin had told you that Jungkook was on a business trip before he even stepped foot into Jungkook's room. Well, this explains it all. The party was on Saturday right and it makes it two days, including Saturday, so today is Monday.

Monday, the first day of the work in the business world and this morning Jungkook had a very important meeting with some investors, which cost him at least three million dollars and he missed it. Now, that was unlike Jungkook. He would either call Jin to step in or probably reschedule the meeting but that was unlikely.

Best friends and long and genuine best friends know when something was up with the other. So there you have the answer. Jin knew Jungkook was in trouble, especially after what happened at the party.

It took Jungkook a while to respond to Jin was his mind was racing with thoughts of you.

Had you remembered?

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