Chapter 36

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It was the morning I somehow fell asleep. I don't know I managed to do so but I did. Well, I didn't fall asleep in my bead. No, I didn't. Right, where Jungkook left me, I slouched down into a ball and fired myself to sleep.

I didn't know what to feel. I pushed him away and told him to leave so why am I feeling like this. It can't be. As usual, I make stupid decisions and now I regret it.

I just don't know how to feel. I just messed up. Jungkook was wrong in treating Jimin like that but if he felt like that he should have come and told me about it.

He was never an open person, he was but very rarely and he kept his feelings and problems to himself which destroyed him more. I was his best friend, did he not trust me to tell me about Jimin and him being brothers? It made me wonder if Jin knew.

But all in all, I can't help but react in such a horrible way to him. He only tried to help. Stop me from getting hurt and only pushed him away. Remembering seeing Jungkook so broken when he was apologizing was horrible by I couldn't keep going if we only had to fight. We fought a lot the past few weeks and it wasn't healthy, hence the reason why I told him I need a break.

And j had to keep my distance away from him if I was to maintain my friendship with him. He did everything thing for me but the way he spoke was as if I always used him and used his money. I didn't know whether to believe him or not. This wasn't the Jungkook I knew. That was what made me confused. The way he yelled at me. He yelled sometimes when I was being ignorant but not like that.

But still, even though he treated me like that, I couldn't help but feel safe with him. When I was ever with him I felt something different. Not a bad different neither a good different, it felt special? As if I was using it. That made me feel safe.

But then the feeling was confusing when it came to Jimin. Jimin made me feel wanted. He treats me like I was important. When he was with me, it made me feel like he wasn't spending time with me to just take care of me or making sure I was okay and healthy. He was spending time with because he wanted to and genuinely showed that.

Jungkook uses to do that a lot before I started working with him, but he since we started working, he spent time in me only when I feel sick or I wasn't feeling well. Or another, when he was jealous. But he still treats me like I was his queen they both did.

But his sudden disappearance was baffling. Coming to think about it a few months ago my life was all figured out but now when I finally began to plan my love life, get excited about it and feel like you know what direction you're heading into, the sign changes, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south and east in now west and al last, you're lost.

Feeling like crap and still having a part of life that I can turn to, I closely got up from the heated spot that I was in since God alone knows when I finally decided to take a bath, skip my meal and go get ready to visit the person who was in my mind the past couple of minutes.


I did tell Jungkook that we needed some space and I wasn't going to change that, because if I did our friendship would fall completely apart and if that happens I knew there was no way that was going to go back to normal so it was worth the risk, the pain, the hurt.


I was not standing in front of Jimin's home. The big huge mansion. The outside was indescribable. Last time Jimin told me that he lived alone. Well, what can I say, rich people?

To be honest, I always wanted to become a successful businesswoman and someday I could own my own business and buy all the rich people things that I admired. I always wanted that, to live that life, so people wouldn't have to prepare for me, I could do it myself and be proud. But the way in which my left was heading, it didn't seem that could be achieved.

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