Chapter 21

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It has been a week since the day you left the hospital. I haven't had any hallucinations since then and I'm quite relieved.

It has been good staying for a week so far. It wasn't boring because Jungkook was always there. He decided to stay home from work as well to take care of me and he insisted.

Instars he stayed home and did his work. But literally, every room that I went in he would follow me. He never left me. Ok, one would say that he was being clingy, but it was actually cute. How he took care of me. And I always take it for granted. I always tell myself that I that him for granted but I never try to fix it.

It's like life. You take everything for granted. You rather compare yourself to others than to actually be contented with what you have.

Jungkook was now getting something for you to eat. He sat next to you and handed you the plate. "Here you go. I don't know if it's too spicy." He said giving you the food blowing onto it. He was about to get up when you stopped him,"Where are you going?" You asked wanting him to eat with you. "I'm going to be on the table to complete my work." He replied turning back.

"Come....." You patted on the sofa next to you,"Sit with me and eat. I'll feed you......" You said with puppy rates that you knew Jungkook couldn't resist. "But I have to do my work. I'll be right there. Plus I made the food for you," he explained.

"Pleaseee Jungkookie!" You said with a cute pout on your face and giving in he sat next to you on the sofa.

Jungkook and I sat eating as I fed him while we watched Television. There was some silly cartoon show that Jungkook insisted we watch. You couldn't help but laugh, not at the show but that the grown twenty-five year old man that sat next to you.

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As you two watched the show, you couldn't help but steal glances at him. He looked like a total bunny, how cute. "Oh! Oh! Oh! I love this part!" He exclaimed as he jumped up and down on the couch. "Seriously Jeon, when I say let's eat and watch TV I wasn't talking about kids show....." You replied, amazed by his behavior.

"But how can you but love this," he continued laughing. "Jeon........" You gave him a stern look. "Ok fine." He turned off the television snuggling closer to you but distance close. "Give me a bite," he asked.

"No is this my food, Jeon, " you said, pouting at him being stubborn. "Come give me a bite," he hung his bottom lip. "Nope!"


"Nope, get your own food Jungkook," you mumbled while putting a spoon full rice in your mouth. "Hey, I made it for you though," he complained. "I never told you to." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Kim Y/N, give me some because you don't know what I'm going to do you. And trust me you're not going to like it......" He said in a straight and stern voice.

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