Chapter 19

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After talking with Jin, he said that I should just bear with Jungkook that he would come true, but I couldn't keep thinking about what would happen in the future. Would he act like this every time I was with another guy? I would never be able to find love, to find happiness and that is all that you want. Yes, he does his best to protect you but you never asked him to do this.

It was now nine thirty and you had called Jungkook, left his text messages, voicemails but he never once answered. I had thought maybe he went back at his pace to sleep but then he always answered my calls and messages and you were worried.

Lying on the couch, trying your best to fall asleep, you wanted to sleep there in case Jungkook came and knocked on the door. You would hear it. And with that he didn't even knock on the door; he just barged in.

"Where the f*ck were you. I had left messages, calls all night and it didn't occur to you to answer me?" You questioned, raising a brow pushing lightly against his shoulder.

"What do you care, shouldn't you be with Jimin after all I'm just another person in your life right. The overprotective jerk. You know." He said making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh really!! You want to go down that way now!! Do you!!!" He followed him.

"Why not?" He turned to you. "Are you serious right now Jungkook. You just barged into the bathroom, punching Jimin in the face when he didn't do anything!!"

"Oh right the same Jimin, who you asked to invite to our lunch just to have fun with him. It was supposed to be only me, you, and Jin but you couldn't get the overprotective jerk off your back so you invited him along so you could do whatever the both of you were doing. And by the way, makeup really does more than is supposed to do sometimes," he yelled pointing at your neck that you covered the marks in your skin.

" Ok, I can't ok......... I just can't. I have been keeping this to myself for years to not hurt you but since you want to say those things well here goes. When....... When are you going to leave me alone to live my own life!! I want to live my life. Figure out the good and bad things. I don't need you to be like a puppy behind me. I can take care if myself. I want to be happy. Find love on my own, get married, have kids but I can't even seem to get past the first stage because you are holding me back. You threatened every guy that approaches me. And for once I felt wanted and needed by a guy and once again you take that away from me. I'm not a toy that you can own. You don't own me. And you don't get to control my life!!!!!! Just let me be. I don't nee you!!!!!" You let out with anger and rage, tired and frustrated with his behavior. But you don't mean anything. Without him, you would be nothing.

Jungkook stood there in awe by the words that you spoke and the look that you gave him was truthful as if you meant all the words you said to him. His voice was stuck in his throat.

When someone has broken your heart, you all of a sudden notice how vulnerable and powerless you have become. You may also be frustrated because you've slowly begun realizing that things will never be as they once were. And that was how Jungkook felt. The words that you spoke, cut through his heart deeply. He couldn't stand it. He would faint at any moment. She would never.......... Say those words to him. If she didn't need him, he needed her.

"I-I'm sorry, I was trying to help........" He said with sadness in his voice, but you were too caught up to realize it. "See!!!! Once again with the sorry thing. I don't nee your help, your money. I never once asked you to help me. It's time you man up and let me enjoy my life because if you can't Jungkook, I can assure you that I will leave and none of you will see me again......."

"No.......!" He couldn't take it anymore as he let out his tears,"You can't leave me...... Please......... I need you.........."

"You see that's the thing, you need me to be your toy to play around with. You need me to be there so you are preventing me from having happiness. But I don't need you Jungkook........ And definitely don't need you to help me do that........ But I'm sure you're gonna disagree on that and try to help me find that, kill the guy and end up as your friend who needs to be protected because she can't take care if herself.....well I'll say it again I don't  need you ............" You explained out if breath.

It took a few minutes until Jungkook said,"Don't leave, I'll leave then." He said. "You don't have to leave Jungkook. Haute what I'm trying to explain. You just have to let me be with the one that I love," you said. Your head then instantly shot a massive ache. "And the one that you will love it will love is Jimin right. I have been here for years Y/N and you never once noticed my love for you but within a month, my stepbrother shows how and you fall for him. What does he have that I don't? I don't care about money or anything like that...... that means nothing compared to the way I feel about you......"


Your head hurt so much all of a sudden. Your vision began to become a glitch. Blood......blood everywhere was what you saw. Where were you? In a small room. And a man coming closer to you? And then you heard the actual Jungkook speaking as you came out of the hallucination.

"Why do I keep bringing it up? Why do I need you? Why do I protect you? Why am I so protective? Why don't I want you to be with another guy? Because you only think my love for you is childish ........ Just like me right?"

He said approaching, wiping his tears away, holding you onto your shoulder as you lifted your hand to your head," BUT GUESS WHAT!!! You're TOO FUCKING BLIND TO SEE THAT IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!! I LOVE SO SO MUCH. AND YES I'M SELFISH BUT I LOVE YOU AND IT HURTS LIKE HELL TO SEE HEAR YOU REPEATING THAT MY LOVE FOR YOU IS FUCKING CHILDISH!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!" he yelled staring deep into your eyes but you could barely process but going on until you like out,

"J-Jungkook, I can't, I can't feel my body..........." And with that, you feel into Jungkook hands and landed on the floor.....................................



"I mean, at the end of the day, what the hell does it matter who I end up with if it can't be you?"

"I mean, at the end of the day, what the hell does it matter who I end up with if it can't be you?"

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