Chapter 17

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The same evening, you and Jungkook had now reached home from work. Jungkook said that he would sleepover at your house tonight since he was too tired. You instantly agreed since he practically brought the house for you and your brother. But he was busy working in Busan, so never rarely visits.

"You should go take a shower while I cook up some dinner," you said as you and Jungkook entered the house. " Why don't we order take out?" He asked

"Isn't it bad enough that I live in your house, plus what are we gonna do with all this food you bought once again?" You gave him a questioning look.

"First of all this is your house and second, you must be tried, have some rest." He said sincerely.

"Fine, I'll cook food while you take a shower, right?"

"Yes," he said, "Wait what!?"

"You said it Jeon not me," you head up to your lips room changing into some shorts and a hoodie before making your way to the kitchen.

It didn't take long for you to make some Bolgogi chicken and rice as Jungkook's had come out if the downstairs bathroom wrapped in a towel, exposing his wet defined abs, and dripping hair that stuck to his forehead. Did I forget to mention that it was wet?

Straight with your eyes wide open, while Jungkook used another towel to dry his hair, he averted his from the ground towards you, and you were caught red handed literally gawking at him.

"Y/N do I have to remind you that it rude to stare?" He said with a wide smirk curved up at the corner of your lips, as he made his way up the stairs to get changed. That made you remembering his words when you started working at the company the first day.

It was now ten o'clock, as you and Jungkook were heading to bed. You decided to go to bed early since tomorrow is a holiday and you wanted to have a good night's rest. "Good night Mashmello," Jungkook said as he pulled you into a hug and kisses the top of. Your head. "You aren't coming to sleep in my room. I mean if you want to............ If you want to?"

"I'm good, I'll give you your personal space." Giving a sad smile, you simply nodded your head before saying good night to him and going into your room. You felt a weird vibration between you and Jungkook. He was always touchy and clingy. But he wasn't this evening. He was fine this morning. He wore a sad expression but then you ignored I think he was actually tired.


It was now around 2:30 a.m. and Jungkook, twisted and turned but he couldn't fall asleep. He was too worried about you.

What if she feel off the bed? What is she is too cold? What if she is hungry? What if she wants some water? What someone kidnapped her?

As exactly at that moment when Jungkook thought of that possibility, he sprinted off the bed and bolted to your room. Luckily you were peacefully sleeping like a cute little bear, snuggled up into your pillow.

Jungkook then lay down beside, staring at your peaceful and calm expression as you were in your own dreamland. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear while a soft and cute sound managed to get loose our of your mouth.

" I love you............"

And with Jungkook muttering that he slowly doozer off into his slumber, wrapping his hands around your small body, keeping you safe in his arms.


The next morning, you had awakened with a soft and muscular pillow under your body.  You snuggled into it more until you felt a wincing pain in your lower stomach.

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