Part 2- Prank

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[Miru's note:~ the picture above is what Yo Tsubasa looks like, charming right? credit to it's owner]

Years had passed and (name) have grown beautifully yet her identity remained unknown by the public, however, those who've met her adored her deeply which includes her own aide, Yo Tsubasa.

At first, Yo Tsubasa was only her bodyguard appointed by Nakiri Azami, but after Azami was banned from entering Totsuki and the use of the name Nakiri, Yo Tsubasa insisted on staying beside the young girl. He treated her as a sister and not more.

"Eri-nee-chan~", the 15-year-old (name) wrapped her lean arms around Erina who was busy talking with Hisako about the new students who just graduated in order to enter the Academy as a high school.

"oh? (name)? is there anything wrong?", she asked.

(name) pulled away from the hug before smiling, "when is my mission?".

A thought crossed the older Nakiri's mind.

"when she is ready, lead her Erina"

She shivered as soon as she remembered her father's words, "uhmm....okay wait a minute", she checked the files on her desk and flipped through the students profile, the moment she saw a name her face went sour before giving the said paper to the ravenette female, "this is the guy, this is a bit I want you to make him give up from studying here, moreover......he's a second-rate chef... got it?".

(name) scanned through the profile before nodding her head, "ahh so he is assigned to stay at Polar star Dormitory...... I should go visit Fumio-san as well then, she spun and smiled up at Tsubasa, "let's go Tsubasa".

"yes (name)-sama".

As the girl went strode down the stairs, she saw 2 familiar faces, she grinned widely, "Alice-nee-chan, Ryo".

"kya! It's my favorite cousin!!!", she ran and glomped the poor ravenette girl. (name) then peeked from Alice's shoulder only to meet red eyes, "come here".

Ryo walked over to the both of them lazily and just as he stood right infront of them, Alice pulled away with a wide grin before hitting her aide's back, "mou~ Ryo-kun, you were the one who whined so much to me since you missed (name)-chan".

He rolled his eyes before making eye contact with the same red orbs behind (name), and finally looked at her (e/c) with a tint of gold ones, his hands gently reached at the side of her cheek and rested there while (name) could only grinned up at him, "welcome back Ryo".

Alice was grinning on her own, upon noticing the small smile on her aide's face.

"(name)-sama", Tsubasa called out to her.

She giggled before leaning her head on Ryo's warm hand, "let's meet next time, okay? I have to go~", she grabbed the hand on her cheek on put it back down while looking up at Ryo before turning her head to look at Alice, "see you later~", she waved with a bright smile spreading across her face as she skipped happily to the designated car.

Upon arriving infront of the car, her smile fade shortly before smiling back again, "let's go spook Fumio-san".

Tsubasa heaved out a sigh, "sure (name)-sama, do you want me to contact Isshiki-san for you?".

"meh, it's okay~ you do the driving and I'll call Satoshi".

~Time skip brought to you by Isshiki's butt~

It was already dark and Fumio was up, drinking some sake while enjoying some side dishes which goes well with sake, until she heard voices.


"help me.........."


That voice clearly startled the old woman, who jumped at the scream, "who's that???", she got up with a broom as her weapon.

As she walked out of her room, she spotted drips of the color red coming from outside the dorm, she frowned at the thought so she leaned down carefully to look at what seemed like blood.

However, right before she could touch the ground, she heard a whisper, "Hanako-san...Hanako-san, is that you?", before something crashed in her own room. She quickly bolted to the door to her room, as she opened the door, to her surprise she couldn't believe what she just saw.

Both (name) and Isshiki could be found sprawled on the floor with Isshiki on the bottom.

"jeez you two, when will you stop scaring this grandma here", she leaned on the door before smirking, "get a room you two!", she yelled before adding, "Not in my room though~".

Isshiki chuckled, "you okay, (name)-chan?".

(name) smiled and nodded, "but are you okay? You are already naked only wearing apron, moreover you fell on the ground butt first", she steadily got up with the help of Fumio who could only smirk for who knows how long.

She then held out a hand for Isshiki to hold with her signature smile, "you should treat your butt Satoshi".

He couldn't help but smile at her words, "(name)-chan, you really are something", before dusting himself, "so what brings you here actually?".

The girl only smiled, making the other two curious even more.

A knock on the dormitory door alerted the three.


The girl right infront of them disappeared.

"welcome", she said to the intruder.

"oh? Hello there, are you one of the students who stay in this dorm?", a very welcoming voice spoke, bright red hair, golden orbs, a friendly face.

She shook her head with a smile, "nope~ I'm not".

"eh? Anyway, you seem nice, I'm Yukihira Soma, what's your name?", he held out his hand for her to shake.


Right before her hand reached his, someone smacked Yukihira's hand away.

It was Isshiki, he was glaring at him.

Yukihira raised an eyebrow.

(name) was confused.

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