Part 6- The Alumni

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Arriving at the Totsuki resort, (name) smiled widely, "if only we come here to have a vacation, that'd be nice", she cooed. "should I make a reservation for you next time, (name)-sama?", Tsubasa asked while tapping on the tablet, writing her schedule.

(name) simply shook her head, "it's fine.... It's pricey anyway".

"but (name)-sama, you are considered as one of the Nakiri's daughter, you are allowed to do whatever you want since you have the power to do so", he insisted.

She spun around to meet with his red pool of orbs before patting his head, "we shouldn't abuse the Nakiri powers like that, let's get in. Eri-nee-chan said she already made reservation for us and she also informed Gin about me being here".

As she walked in with her smaller luggage in hand, she spotted familiar faces sitting on the sofa.

"everyone is here", she piped up in delight.

Hearing her voice, made the alumni looked up at the voice and most of them were smiling, while another one was hiding his smile.

Hinako glomped the poor girl, "I missed you so much (name)-chaaaann, it's so hard living under the same roof as that stupid Shinomiya", she rubbed (name)'s cheeks with her own.

But that stopped when Hinako felt herself being pulled away by the back of her sweater, by none other than Shinomiya himself, an annoyed one at that.

"don't defile her with your words Hinako", he growled before throwing the older woman away. (name) could only giggle, "Kojiro, it's been awhile", she said, "how have you been doing in France?".

Shinomiya crossed his arms across his chest while staring at the girl, "you've....grown, well of course I know that you've grown", he pushed his glasses up, "since you've emailed me a lot and sending pictures.....but how about your cooking brat?", he leaned down with a raised of his eyebrow.

She grinned ear to ear, "wanna bet?".

He flinched before smirking his ass off, "fine, if I win this bet, you'll have to say that my dish is delicious....for f*ck sake I know my dish is delicious", he walked away to talk with Dojima about the cook off.

Mizuhara walked over to (name) and lightly smiled, "I'm betting that you're gonna win this bet, (name)..... I know how you are". "right right!! I'll cheer for you than that Narcissist-bastard-kun", Hinako engulfed the younger girl for the second time. (name) simply smiled, "it still depends on our cooking anyway".

One of the staff who work behind the receptionist, gave two card keys for both (name) and Tsubasa.

"(name), the cook off is in an hour, you can put your luggage in your room first", Shinomiya stated while looking at his watch on his wrist before looking at her. (name) only stared at him with a blank face.

A tick mark appeared on the side of his face, "you brat-".

"alright", she looked away and smiled, "let's go Tsubasa~".

"oi I'm not letting you go alone with a boy, not like I care if anything happens anyway", Shinomiya grabbed the luggage that (name) carried and growled.

"look at him, being such a Tsundere bastard", Hinako teased.

The edge of his lips twitched in annoyance. (name) stifled her laughter before holding Shinomiya's sleeve, "let's go Kojiro", she said softly. Shinomiya, on the other hand, cleared his throat while trying his best to stop the blush from spreading more on his cheeks.

"Tsubasa, how many hours before dinner?", she asked as she got on the elevator with the other two males.

"3 hours (name)-sama", he replied.

She hummed, "then....clear that dinner, we'll just eat after the cook off, I'll make sure to cook extra for you Tsubasa". "(name)-sama....". "oi, what am I? a wall?", Shinomiya groaned, disliked for being ignored by the girl.

(name) turned around to look at Shinomiya before tiptoeing to reach his height which in return nearly close the distance between the two, "you're getting let's say you are". He scrunched his face before stretching (name)'s cheek with his free hand, "and you're getting fatter".

"I'm not!".

"you are"

"am not"

"you are"

"am not!!".

"you are, and you can't deny it".

"I'm not fat, you idiot!", she pinched the side of his body making him jolt to his side and winced in pain. "okay okay you're not", he smirked, "but you're chubby". She bit her bottom lip and pinched his cheek, "don't be so mean Kojiro, I'll kick you", she threatened.

"I missed you".

"hm?", (name) stopped dead in her track, before grinning, "me too Kojiro".


"oh we're here", she skipped out of the elevator, missing the deep frown that Shinomiya casted.

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