Part 94 - Isshiki, stop glaring!

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A few days had passed since then, (name) was sitting in the living room with Isshiki who had his head resting on her shoulder. "you smell nice, (name)-chan", Isshiki mumbled. (name) hummed before tilting her head slightly, "maybe you should buy the hair product I bought from Watson".

His breathy laugh could be felt on her neck, "but (name)-chan, I'll only love it when you're the one who wears it". (name) laughed a little, "hmm~ alright then......". There was a long pause and it was really comfortable since she wasn't bothered by him because she was reading the continuation of the manga that Alice recommended.

"honestly, I feel great not having the responsibility to do more paperwork for Elite Ten", he suddenly piped up. (name)'s eyes widened, "oh my..... you were relief from your Elite Ten title already??? That quick?", she furrowed her brows while looking at Isshiki with a worried look.

He nodded his head and sat properly so she could look at her properly, "yea, though I asked him about relieving the two of you from your title as the Phantom seat and the tenth seat but it seems like your father said that soon enough the two of you will join him in Central".

(name) heaved out a sigh of relief, "I'm glad that you're feeling okay after being relief out of your duty". He raised an eyebrow at her before holding her hand in his, "I'm just worried that your going back to Azami-dono..".

The girl smiled sweetly at him, "as what I said before... I promised them that I'll be staying here with Eri-nee-chan until everything is settled. I never break promises".

"you always know what to say in a situation like this, (name)-chan", he smiled back at her and ruffled her upper hair, "you wanna eat some sushi? I'll make something for you to eat", he got up and dusted his shirt. "you better not strip infront of me", (name) warned him and he only laughed.

"don't worry (name)-chan~ I won't~ just enjoy your manga while I'll make some sushi for you, I should make extra just incase someone drop by", he leaned down to her and smiled again, gently stroking her long black locks in his hand, "it won't be long~", he said before he left to the kitchen, and halfway through his journey, he already stripped with only his apron.

Who knows where his apron came from

5 minutes had passed and (name) was already lying on the sofa while reading the manga in her hand with a bright smile, since she was proud that Midoriya made in Class A.

"(nickname)", a familiar voice called out, "geez, you do know this place has a lot of eyes", the person took of his school blazer and placed it on her lap while looking away, it was Takumi and his twin brother.

(name) look up and smiled as she decides to sit properly again, "fancy seeing you here, you visit this place almost every day", she giggled. Takumi took a seat next to her, "well.... Haha~ I ... uhh....umm... nothing", he looked away.

Isami then answered, "nii-chan just wants to keep you company, that's all".

She giggled hearing that, once she spotted the blush on Takumi's face, she decides to change the subject, "how was class today?", (name) smiled while looking at both of them with a smile. Isami replied with his usual calm tone, "we actually had a mini test about making the recipe which was provided by Central today".

(name)'s eyes went wide, "how was it?".

"since it was already written and easy to memorize it was an easy score", Takumi said while making gestures with his hand, "but it's a bit annoying how we can't include ourselves in the cooking since we always had been doing that since the beginning".

She frowned a bit, "to be honest.... I've received a letter from Central again today, passed by Eishii". "you mean the First Seat of Elite Ten, Tsukasa Eishii?", Isami asked nonchalantly. She nodded her head.

Takumi furrowed his brows, "what's in the letter?".

(name) thought for a while before parting her lips to answer him, but someone else beat her to it. "oh? Takumi-kun and Isami-kun, you're here again today... gladly I've made some extras just incase you came, so I was right after all", it belongs to an eye-smiling Isshiki who was carrying a tray of Sushi.

"Isshiki-san, hello", both of them greeted with a smile.

(name) stood up, "I'll go make some green tea to go along with it", she smiled, "I'll be right back~", she gave Takumi his school blazer back and left to the kitchen to make some green tea, she didn't noticed that as she passed Isshiki, he was slightly glaring at someone, for taking his seat.

"we should wait until (name)-chan finish", Isami smiled at the other two and 5 minutes later, (name) came back with a tray of tea. "I'll help you carry that, (nickname)", Takumi smiled at her as he took the tray from her and placed it on the table.

Again, not realizing the menacing stare coming from Isshiki.

"let's dig in then!!", (name) chimed with a bright smile as she took a seat next to Takumi after pouring the green tea, earning a scowl from Isshiki yet no one realized it.

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